6 Benefits of Asking Questions in the Workplace


Some of us are afraid to ask questions at work. Maybe we are nervous. Maybe we think we are embarrassed. Or maybe we simply lack the guts to express ourselves. 

However, asking questions when you’re not sure about something can be very helpful. Seeking answers to find out new information is a good thing. 


The Benefits of Asking Questions at Work?

One of the biggest problems people face in the workplace is often clear communication. Based on a study conducted by the Harvard Business School, asking questions in the working environment boosts employee morale. 

They also start to think outside of the box. Other individuals may find questioning an annoying action, but this is actually a sign of being smart and curious. 

It is important to note that information sharing is crucial for any organization. When people work separately and do not communicate well with their teammates, then this can create task delegation issues and output results. 

Asking for feedback, for instance, is necessary to create understanding among team members. A company goal will not be successful if there are no apparent means of communication.

The following are some benefits of asking questions in the workplace: 

#1 We learn more when we ask questions

 Life is full of questions, and fortunately, it also offers a lot of answers. This is why we can learn more about life, work, and personal journeys when we face and ask for things that need to be faced head-on. In the workplace, we become more informed on how things should be working and how we should adequately address everyone. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling scared of asking questions because it may make you look bad or unprepared. Great leaders and management will take the time to answer your questions and make sure that you understand the answers.


#2 Asking questions makes you more open

Asking questions helps create new patterns in our brain, according to experts. The patterns the brain develops, the better it functions. It can access more details and process more information. This process is very helpful, especially in a workplace where tedious tasks should be accomplished. 

If you ask questions you are more open to learning and bonding with other people which can boost your motivation and confidence in the workplace.


#3 We acquire better answers when we initiate asking questions

There are some instances in our life when we feel there are a lot of things that we should know. However, doubts can overcome the strength to ask questions to get answers. 

Questioning is also a process that allows our brain to come up with better solutions. The more we learn from the answers we get, the better the decisions we can make. 


#4 Asking questions can make us wiser

When our minds become more flexible because of the information we acquire, we then turn to be more perceptive individuals. We weigh things carefully before taking action. We make wiser decisions and become a lot more responsible individuals. 

When you ask questions you let people know that you are interested and confident enough to show that you don’t know everything but you have a healthy curiosity and are willing to learn. 


#5 It helps improve the quality of our lives

You might be wondering how asking questions can make a difference in our lives. Well, questions are essential tools to ignite our thinking mechanism. These are the driving force behind our cognitive processes. 

When we ask why we should be making an important decision, or what should be the best solution to solve a problem, we are actually doing something crucial to improve our lives. It only means that we are motivated to become better and do our best. 


#6 Happiness is created when we ask the right questions

Ever felt great satisfaction when you learn something new because you decided to ask a question? You’re not alone. There is that kind of happiness that enters our hearts because we felt thankful that we raised that question. We feel peace and contentment because we have already found the answer to a query we have. 


Tips On How To Inspire Team Members Ask Questions

Employers should be informed on how they can inspire their people to ask questions in the workplace. This will aid in increasing knowledge and better collaboration among the team members. 

In this regard, the management must be able to create an environment where employees can freely voice out their insights and opinions. They should be motivated to express their creative inputs for them to feel that they are welcomed and appreciated.

To achieve such purpose, the following are helpful tips to consider: 

#1 Create and set up a vision

For some employees, it can be hard to take the initiative to ask questions. They may lack self-confidence or the will to ask certain queries. This is why it’s essential to get the team to join in an open discussion so that they can be engaged in better questioning. This is one goal that must be present in every organization. 

Also, everyone must be willing to make a change. Employers must listen to their subordinates’ questions and concerns. Taking them for granted can create a negative impact on the whole company.

Most importantly, take action. Once questions are presented, both employers and employees must be willing to take measures to address the issue. Solving the problem must be in a timely and efficient manner. 

#2 Managers and employers must lead by example

Encouraging the members of the workforce to ask a question must start at the top of the organization. Employers, managers, and supervisors must reach out to their team to ask for feedback, comments, and suggestions. Hear their concerns and know the possible issues that are arising.

This strategy will help create a channel to welcome new solutions and ideas to improve business. It will inspire employees to express what’s on their minds – whether it’s a question or suggestion- and improve their performance. 

#3 Listen to what is being asked. 

Listening can be an easy thing to do. But actively listening entails effort and the right skills. When an employee asks a question, it must be understood that an answer is needed. 

Thus, answers should be offered accurately and adequately. Do not have it as a graded assessment. Let the person express concerns and questions. Explain to that person the answers and discuss the value of learning it. 

#4 Consider time and consistency as two primary factors in asking questions 

We all have the ability to ask questions but not all of us like doing it. For some individuals, it takes time to develop the habit of asking questions. That is fine, but once learned, there should be consistency. 

This strategy should be promoted in the workplace. It will create an effort of creating better participation and involvement of all team members in the workplace. Making follow-ups and clarifying things about a particular project will be an integral part of the company’s processes. 



All of us must understand the power of asking questions. Not only it can help us gain knowledge about everything we want to know. But, it can leverage our sense of inquisitiveness to gain further unique ideas that we can use for more meaningful personal and professional growth. 

We should never stop learning nor should we ever stop being curious about the world around us. And this means asking questions about various things whether it is for professional reasons or personal reasons. 

If you make a habit of wanting to gain knowledge for yourself to better yourself and your confidence you will surely succeed and achieve everything that you will put your mind to.