Computers and other electronics are a common thing most people see in workplaces. But most of these electronics come with cables that can be a lot and all over the place. Have you ever experienced working on your desk with wires occupying your tablespace? It can be frustrating to have these wires in such a disorganized manner that it may affect your productivity. Having an organized workspace gives you a sense of control, and that means tidying your tools and organizing them, along with your wires. To help with this, a cable organizer can be just for you.


Cable Management

Knowing how to manage your cables is a crucial aspect to achieve a safe and clean desk. According to, cable management is the organization of wires or lines connected to electrical devices such as network cables, computer wires, power cables, and more. 


Why Should Cables be Organized?

Most businesses rely on cables for office essentials such as computers, electricity and more. Cable management is a great way to keep a functional, organized, and safe environment. There are a lot of benefits as to why cable management is necessary for your desk or workspace. It includes the following:


#1 A Cleaner Work Environment

A messy work environment may lead to stress that impacts your well-being. It can also contribute to additional workplace hazards such as cable spaghetti or cables that become tangled, causing accidental unplugging of devices when one tries to untangle the wires.

Cable organizers prevent this problem by adequately segregating cables to have a cleaner and efficient workplace for you.


#2 Decreases Wasted Time and Frustration

With cables all over the place, other wires may interlope with one another, making it difficult to unplug and separate them. It can be frustrating and such a waste of time when you only need one plug removed, but it may take a lot of time because of messy cables.

Tangles and the mess of cables can make it challenging to determine one wire from another. Having cable organizers prevents these inconveniences from happening, preventing waste of time and possible frustration.


#3 Safety

As mentioned before, 42,000 Canadian workers get injured annually due to falls and trips. Cable spaghetti is a workplace hazard that can cause these accidents to happen. Cable organizers and cord covers can help in the prevention of these accidents.


#4 Cost-Efficient

Cable management does not only help your desk be more organized and clean but also extends the life of your cables. Since cable organizers have a protecting case, wires are safely preserved and can function properly. Cable management reduces problems experienced on exposed wires such as faulty wiring. In return, this saves up your money since you wouldn't need to buy new cables as a replacement.


Can Cable Organizers Help you Improve Productivity at Work?

A clean desk can inspire your productivity. On the other hand, clutter and mess can be very frustrating. Most people would not feel productive at work when their office space is untidy. With keyboard and mouse wires invading most of your table, along with other cables, it would be difficult to concentrate on your work at hand. According to Psychology Today, disorganization and hoarding can cause extreme anxiety when creating decisions, especially during work. Having a clean desk or workspace can make you more productive and constructive.

Since cable organizers help have a cleaner desk, you are more likely to be focused on your work. It gives a sense of personal control because things on your desks are in order.


Types of Cable Organizers

There are a lot of methods to organize your cables on your desk. Below are types of cable organizers you should consider investing in:


#1 Cable/Wire Clips

Cable clips are simple forms of cable organizers designed to stick on almost any type of surface due to their self-adhesive feature. This can put your cables in order. These cable clips should stick on most desk surfaces such as wood, glass, metal, and plastic. These portable cable organizers ensure that your wires are not only grouped in one place but are segregated for different cables on your desk.


#2 Cable Spines

Whether using a normal table or a standing desk, cable spines can be applicable for your workstation. This cable organizer's spine-like feature expands to the length of your desk and can accommodate even desk converters with its flexible yet durable quality. It provides strain relief from the wires to reduce the risk of faulty wiring and other cable issues.


#3 Cable Baskets

Cable wires can be mounted on walls, placed below your desk, and even suspended from your ceiling. This basket-like cable organizer is well ventilated, which helps keep the cables cool and prevents heat-related concerns that may cause malfunctions.


#4 Cable Trays

Cable trays are adjustable types of cable organizers that can adapt to different desk and workplace designs. These trays are usually attached to the side of the desk. Cable trays can provide storage for electrical wires as well as regrouping your outlets and cables near your desk for your convenience.


#5 Under Desk Clip

Under desk clips are designed to organize your cables on your desk and adapt to your workstation changes. It is a durable cable organizer that can take multiple wires on your desk. Since it is an under-desk clip, it will give your table a clean appearance while having your wires on a proper and organized clip.


#6 Power Bar Holder

Of course, we can't forget power bars in this list. When we need more than one socket for our electronics, power bars are there to help. And just like on your computers, these power bars have wires that need to be organized as well. 

Clutter on your desk isn't the only thing you should watch for. With a clamp-on power bar holder, you can get rid of messy cables under your table and have these outlets at reach. 


#7 CPU Holders

The primary function of CPU holders is to lift your PC from the floor, keeping your cables more organized, saving more space below your desk, and more.

CPU holders can also be adjustable, especially when using standing desks, so that you can adjust your desk without worrying about unplugging some cables from your CPU. 

It is also beneficial with CPU holders that it can now be on reach. Bending under your desk to reach for the CPU can be straining or uncomfortable. But with the help of CPU holders, they can now be within your reach.

Having one installed on your workstation can also extend the life of your CPU. Like cable organizers, CPU holders prevent dust or hair from possibly clogging or going in your CPU. Using a holder can also protect your appliance from spills and allows the fan to cool and work better than placing it on the ground.


With electronics on your desk and wires all over the place, cable organizers can be your aid in achieving a clean and safe workstation, allowing you to feel motivated in work.

Cable management helps your desk to be cleaner, decreases your frustration, and saves time and money. Doing so can inspire you to become more productive, and knowing the type of cable organizers for your work desk can make your table all the more organized and clean.

Productivity is essential in work or any aspect of life. With responsibilities one must do, it is crucial to create ways to boost ourselves to be motivated, even as simple as organizing your desk. That is why something as simple as cable organizers can affect your viewpoint and work performance, from being frustrated on the mess of cables to being inspired and motivated in an organized, safe, and clean desk.