9 Bad Work Habits to Stop Now

All of us want to excel in the workplace and showcase our potential. However, there are some instances when you may notice that things are holding you back from, and you feel less productive. You might not know it yet, but there are bad work habits that you may have picked up. You must recognize them and stop or break them. 


Bad Work Habits: It's Time To Break Them


A bad habit can cause several adverse effects on your work performance if not given proper attention. Below are nine of the everyday bad habits in the workplace: 


#1 Too much complaining

Whether you’re complaining about your colleagues or your job, it’s a bad habit. Complaining is not healthy in the workplace. If your job is stressful, then find practical ways to solve it.

If you feel like you’ve done everything you could work on, still stress you out, talk to your boss and ask for help. They may come up with solutions to your problem.

On the other hand, if you complain about how your colleagues are treating you, make sure you handle it properly. Remember that a healthy working relationship is based on respect and mutual understanding. Avoid gossiping; make sure to clear issues out before they worsen and misinterpret by many. 


#2 Lack of proper time management

Time management is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to the workplace and our personal lives. Wasted time can't be recovered – so, value it. 

We are all given the same number of hours, no more, no less. In the workplace, make sure that time is managed well. A common bad habit for some people is that they let time pass by without working on what’s important. Learn your priorities and avoid procrastination


#3 Creating weak correspondence

Creating emails, memos, etc. is a crucial part of any organization. Some employees do not have the discipline to review their emails before sending them. Thus they might misspell names and perform other similar mistakes. In short, bad written communication may affect the credibility of your business organization.

So, take the time to review each sentence and make sure all parts of the email or other written communication are correct. Use tools available today that can help you correct and enhance spellings, style, and sentence construction. 


#4 Taking breaks is necessary (but not too many)

Be aware of how much time you are allowed during your break time. Some employees take advantage of and take too many breaks. This will affect the productivity and the quality of your work. If you become more enticed with the idea of taking rest more than the time allowed, then you may lose your concentration.


#5 Getting distracted too easily

Develop your focus and concentration. Sometimes, lacking attention can make you become less productive at work. So, learn to handle distractions to avoid future issues. 

Also, avoid opening your personal social media accounts during working hours. When you indulge in too many distractions, then you start neglecting your tasks.

Prepare a to-do list, use post-its on your desks, and have a calendar. These can help you organize everything and ensure that no critical task is missed. 


#6 Poor communication with colleagues at work

Never socializing with your colleagues is not a good habit. This may build walls and misconceptions. Take the time to communicate well with them and develop better relationships.

Some co-employees may seem intimidating; however, don’t judge before getting to know them. Open communication in the workplace will lead to an improved organization and task delegation. 


#7 Speaking without thinking first

It's fine to share your feedback and opinion with the team. But make sure they are offered at the proper time and place. Think twice before blurting out statements that may hurt other people or worsen an issue. 

Remember, you can't take back what’s been said. When you are not sure about something, make sure to ask for help or feedback first.  


#8 Too much tardiness/ Being late all the time

Punctuality is another core value that needs to be exercised. When people are often late, efficiency and productivity are significantly affected. Being late often is never good. Strive to arrive at work on time or earlier. This will help you to become more prepared and motivated before you start doing your tasks.

Wake up early. Prepare your things the night before you go to work. Find better routes when you’re going to the office to make sure you won't be late. Avoid sleeping too late at night. Lack of sleep can cause you to have less energy and will affect your efficiency at work. 


#9 Over-sharing with your co-workers

Every employee in the workplace must act professionally. Although there are friendships made at the workplace, members must know their limitations. 

Choose the things you share with your colleagues. Personal matters can be shared, but make sure those will not turn out into gossip that may affect the whole organization. It is great to have close friends in the workplace but remember to keep it professional. Never badmouth other people to your colleagues, especially your boss. 

Even if your opinions might be justified, it is not worth sharing or spreading more negativity between your coworkers. After all, you never know who might hear you or tell you. So, don’t make yourself vulnerable and don’t partake in petty gossip. You’re better than that. 



There are things that you can only disclose to people who are close to you. Do not share it with the entire workplace, unless needed. 

Suppose you have issues and need assistance with a work-related issue such as salary and benefits, contact. If you discuss it with other employees, they may misinterpret and make matters worse.

It's time to break bad habits in the workplace today. Not only will they help you excel at your job, but they will also bring significant improvement in your life.

Finally, just be yourself and try to help your coworkers and spread positivity. Don’t give in to gossip or other negative things. Stay professional and true to yourself.