Work from Home Advantages: Career Tips You Should Know

Working from home has benefitted both employers and workers all over the world. Business owners can hire top-rated talents from any point of the globe as long as the skills and competencies fit the qualifications they are looking for. On the other hand, employees can work on their tasks wherever or whenever they want- on the comfort of their rooms, on a beach chair beside the calm sea, or even on a hammock with their laptops- as long as they can perform and achieve the desired results of the clients. This is why it’s no wonder that the number of freelancers and home-based workers is increasing. Amazingly, they are now reaping the work from home advantages, which can be used as stepping stones to their successful careers.


In a survey featured in the Microsoft whitepaper, “Work Without Walls,” and mentioned by on one of its articles, the following are the top advantages of working at home (in particular order) :

#1 Work/home balance

#2 Can save gas

#3 Help avoid traffic

#4 More productive

#5 Fewer distractions

#6 Lowers long commute

#7 Quieter work atmosphere

#8 Less stressful workplace

#9 More time for the family

#10 Environmentally friendly

To ensure the productivity of all the employers and monitor their work performances, employers use project management tools or platforms.


Career Tips: What Can you Do to Make the Most of Home-Based Work Opportunities

Most of us will agree that working from home can entail a lot of benefits, privileges, and opportunities. However, we should also remember that this should not stop there. If you just stuck to your mindset to be stagnant- that you do not need to improve or strive for a higher goal- then, work from home advantages will be useless.

What every home-based worker should do is to find ways on how to create more opportunities from the current job, whether it is leveraging their skills, or inspiring other people to learn and excel. Working from home does not only open more doors to improving your career, but it is also an amazing channel to become someone who will make an impact on other peoples’ lives.

The following are excellent and doable career tips on how to create better success from the work from home advantages. We’ve compiled and summarized the top work from home benefits and presented the tips to make the most of each of them.


Advantage #1 Flexible schedule. Unlike in an office where people work in the usual 9-5 job, you can set your own schedule when working at home. There can be differences between your clients and your timezone. However, you can still develop a flexible schedule that would be comfortable for both of you.

Tip: This is where effective time management is needed. You can create a task list where you will jot down all the assignments that you will need to complete, as well as their corresponding time. For instance, checking your emails should be the first thing to do at 9 AM and will take 30 minutes to an hour. Creating and scheduling social media posts may take an hour as well. Preparing a to-do list will serve as your reference to know which tasks are needed to be prioritized and which items can be done later. It’s one way of making the most of the flexibility of schedule because this can be a way to be more productive and efficient for every task.


Advantage #2 Less distractions. Working in a traditional office can pose several distractions, such as conversations with your colleagues, noise, gossip, and office politics. At home, you can create a dedicated space where nobody or nothing can disturb you from your work.

Tip: Yes, you can work freely and with fewer distractions at home. However, that can also be a tempting instance for you to procrastinate. When you put on your mind that you can always have more time because there are fewer distractions, issues will start to arise. The tip for this is to use some strategies such as the Pomodoro Technique. It will help you manage time more effectively and stay away from the distractions. Discipline yourself to focus or concentrate on your jobs. Unleash your passion for what you are doing. In that way, you can create a mindset to prioritize ways on how you will contribute to a distraction-free workspace.


Advantage #3 Personalized workstation. The typical setup in a traditional office is having a desk, a chair, a computer or laptop, some sticky notes, and other accessories to do your job. However, workers have different personalities. They may want to have some different styles on their workstation so they can be more inspired at work.

Tip: So, how can you make a better version of the workstation when you’re working at home? Add a personal touch. Personalize it. If you’re a jolly person and love colours to add delight and happiness at work, then you can put some designs on the walls or your desk. Put a sticker with a motivational quote or your favourite mantra. This will encourage you to get more motivated and perform better at work.

If you’re a health-conscious person and would like to be free from a sedentary lifestyle, then investing in an ergonomic workspace will be your greatest decision. Nowadays, there are height-adjustable desks or standing desks available. Instead of sitting on your chair, these standing desks can help promote better posture. Of course, you should not also stand throughout the day. You can utilize an ergonomic chair to alternate between sitting and standing.


Advantage #4 Spending more time with your family. Working at home also gives you the chance to spend more quality time for your loved ones. This is one of the best benefits this type of work can bring to anyone. So, how to make the most of it?

Tip: Make sure to have a valuable bonding opportunity with your family. Aside from going outside and enjoying some fun activities, this can also be a way to learn new hobbies. Who knows, you can discover the talents of your loved ones? You can also unleash and showcase some exciting talents and express them through platforms such as vlogging and social media.


Advantage #5 Less stress at home. Working at home can have lesser stress due to deadlines, uncooperative co-workers, noise, and pressure.

Tip: Take advantage of this. A stress-free work will result in a higher level of productivity. Since you will have a flexible work schedule, make sure to do your best to follow the worklist. Use your time to think of better ideas that you contribute during the team’s brainstorming and meetings.


Advantage #6 You can save more. Working from home means you will not have to commute going to the office; thus, it will help you save money from expenses like fare and gas.

Tip: This is the time you think about how you can save for your future. You can think of new investment, start a business, or how you can save your money wisely.


Advantage #7 Freedom to create more productive routines. The more time you have while working from home, the more opportunities for you to establish more productive habits.

Tip: Some productive routines can be created when you’re working from home. Create a schedule for exercising, journalizing, or even blogging. You can also watch tutorials or free courses about a skill. With these activities, you can utilize time and will not waste it on other things.


Advantage #8 You can develop a healthy diet. At home, you can prepare healthy and nutritious foods. A good diet will help your mind and body to function properly.

Tip: Choose foods that will give you proper energy and zest to perform effectively in your jobs. You can also cook and prepare foods that are your favourites as long as they are healthy and good for the body.


Advantage #9 You can take more productive breaks. Taking breaks is an important part of your daily work schedule.

Tip: During break time, you can spend it on more productive matters. You can do gardening or read articles that can enhance your skills. Taking a nap is also necessary because it is a proven way to recharge your energy.


Final Thoughts

Working from home offers a lot of opportunities for us. The advantages they can bring let us unleash more of our talents and establish meaningful improvements. It is crucial to make the most of those work from home advantages and follow some career tips to ensure we build a successful professional career.