Common Posture Problems Many of Us Are Not Aware Of (and how to fix them)

We may already be aware of how the advancement of technology can also impact our work lifestyle. Nowadays, millions of people are suffering from the effects of poor posture, whether it’s at home or in the workplace. Some tools have made us more comfortable to perform our tasks; however, that also sometimes causes us to move less and become sedentary. The good thing is that we are becoming aware of these things, and we start utilizing some innovations to avoid health issues. Poor posture can lead to various health complications such as joint degeneration, respiratory problems, fatigue, and other musculoskeletal injuries. Sadly, we are often unaware of these posture problems; thus, we fail to receive proper attention promptly.


Common Causes of Poor Posture

What are the usual causes of poor posture? Here are some of them:

#1 Desk Job. Working on a job that requires sitting is one of the significant causes of posture problems. The use of the wrong chair, poor desk setup, and wrong monitor height make a worker prone to the effects of poor posture. Long hours of sitting can cause the spine straight, and our neck and head lean forward. As a result, we hunch too much, making us experience sprain and other body pains. 

#2 Poor nutrition. Poor nutrition can also lead to poor posture. Some certain vitamins and minerals are specifically for the growth of bones and muscles. Lack of them can affect a healthy condition of the body systems. So, make sure to have the proper nutrition to support your musculoskeletal system.

#3 Habit. Bad posture habits such as slouching can be challenging to break, especially if you’re deeply used to it. However, these can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, affecting your performance over time.

#4 Age. Our body becomes less agile and flexible as we age. Our body becomes less active, and it may become challenging to make movements. When the muscles become weaker, our body will not be able to stand straight, leading us to have a poor posture.

#5 Technology. Nowadays, we become so much inclined and dependent on gadgets. Spending long hours on devices can put pressure on your spine and eventually lead to poor posture. Lessen the hours spent on your tablets to prevent future issues.

#6 Weight. Too much weight on our midsection can put pressure on the pelvis and affect our spine alignment. This can also cause stress and pain in your lower back.

In a post published by NHS.UK entitled, “Common Posture Mistakes and Fixes,” physiotherapist Nick Sinfield mentioned and described some common posture mistakes. These include slouching in a chair, standing with a flat back, poking your chin, cradling your phone, poking your chin, hunching back, and others. In the same article, tips on how to correct these posture mistakes are also presented.


Some Posture Problems That We Are Often Not Aware Of

#1 The Hunchback. This is common among desk employees. If you work in an office or even at your home, there may be times that you find yourself hunching over the keyboard. Long hours of that position can cause danger to the body. When your upper back is curved excessively, then you may acquire a condition known as kyphosis. When you have kyphosis, you can also suffer possible injuries for neck and back pain.

Is there a solution?

Yes. You should stretch your chest and strengthen your upper back. Some exercises, such as face pulls, seated rows, and doorway stretches, can also help fix this posture issue.

#2 Anterior Pelvic Tilt. You are sometimes experiencing the forward tilting of the hips. This is often related to tight hip flexors. Such a condition is caused by long hours of sitting without taking breaks or doing some stretchings. Avoid this to get rid of weak hamstrings, hips, and lower back.

Is there a solution?

Yes. Some ways to fix this issue is to stretch the hip flexors and strengthen the core, glutes, and hamstrings. 

#3 Over-pronated feet. This posture problem is described as an outward-turning of the feet, which can make the arch of your feet weaker. This condition also tightens calf muscles as well as causing internal rotation of the knees.

Is there a solution?

Yes. To fix this issue, you can try using orthotics. These include custom-fitted feet supports, which are specially designed to fix biomechanical inefficiencies. You can also perform exercises to make the toes and calves stronger. Such exercises may include toe curls and calf raises.


Other Important Reminders to Avoid Common Posture Problems

The following tips should be remembered to make sure that we prevent ourselves from having posture issues that may lead to worse health conditions.

#1 Always promote proper posture. Stand and sit properly. Avoid slouching or hunching.

#2 Stay healthy. Eat healthy foods to support the proper functioning of your bones and muscles.

#3 Work in a work environment that is ergonomically set up. This will help ensure your health and safety while working.

#4 Avoid bad habits that may lead to weight issues, accidents, and injuries.

#5 Use ergonomic tools, devices, and accessories. Anthrodesk offers a wide array of standing desks, desk converters, anti-fatigue mats, ergonomic chair, vertical mouse, LED desk lamp, and monitor mounts. All these can help you work efficiently while still keeping yourself healthy.

#6 Take a break. If your job entails being seated for long hours, make sure to take a break, stand, or walk around. This will help you avoid becoming sedentary. When you stay stagnant on your seat, you are actually putting yourself in the peril of pains and injuries,

#7 Do some exercises. Our body is said to be created and designed to move. So, let it be. Perform some exercises to make your body energized and active. You can also do some stretchings while you’re working on your desk.


Final Thoughts

Our lifestyle seems to be so very busy nowadays. We often wake up early and rush to prepare for the work. We may enjoy spending time on our activities so that we forget to be cautious about your health. There are common posture problems that we are not aware of doing. Of course, we should do something about it, to make the most of our time and ability.