Determining The Perfect Height for Standing Desks (Plus Tips You Should Know)

With the various reports and other sources discussing the dangers of sitting, people become more aware of how to prevent them. Ergonomic items have become popular in promoting productivity and better overall health.

A lot of company management have included in their workstations quality standing desks, as well as other ergonomic accessories. These ergonomic furniture items have aided office workers to work more comfortably. In addition, they also have been proven to contribute to preventing health issues due to a sedentary lifestyle.


The Fear About Sitting

Sitting has been termed as a ‘killer,’ when done in prolonged hours and when not given proper attention. When it comes to jobs nowadays, the first reaction of the people is to stand to be able to keep themselves away from the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. It is important to know that too much standing can also be adverse to health. It may cause fatigue, backache, headaches, and even neck pain. Since too much standing and sitting are both dangerous to health, then the best solution is to implement ergonomic measures and equipment.


Crucial Things You Should Know About Setting Up a Standing Desk

The most common question standing desk users are having is how high they should set up their desks. shared an article about the tips for using a standing desk. Included on these tips are:

- adjusting the screen and desk properly

- alternating between standing and sitting while working

- using an anti-fatigue mat

- having your mouse and keyboard on their proper position

- taking breaks

- using arm supports

The article stressed that desk height and computer screen setup are both crucial in promoting comfort and minimizing issues due to possible injuries in the workplace.

As stated in the article, “Set your standing desk at about elbow height. This means your elbows should be in a 90-degree position from the floor.” As a reference, an average person whose height is 5’11’’ would have a desk with a height of 44 inches.

In another article published in Mayo Clinic, it was advised to place the desk at least 20 inches from you. This will let your wrists to be straight, and your hands placed a little below your elbow level.

Of course, it’s still important to consider the body proportions to get the right height of a standing desk. Of course, you can always choose to use a height-adjustable standing desk or desk converters in case you would want to keep your current desk.

So, how will you find the correct height of your standing desk? You can follow the tips shared by ergonomic experts. First, you need to stand up straight. Then, rest your arms down by your sides. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. Then, raise the desk in a position where your fingers can reach and touch the keyboard keys. Check if your forearms are parallel to the floor. Adjust the monitor height to the position that you can look at the top third of the monitor.

If you still need details on how to find the best height for your standing desk, you can check online and use standing height calculators available online.


Additional Reminders When Using your Standing Desks

The purpose of using a standing desk is always to promote better health and comfort in the workplace. Consider the following helpful reminders and tips for using standing desks on their best results:

#1 Stand comfortably. It is essential to feel comfortable when you are standing. The more stress you have, the easier you will feel fatigued and discomfort. With the correct posture, you can stand comfortably and work more efficiently.

#2 Set reminders to sit and stand alternately. Workers should not stand more than six hours while using standing desks. Some experts advise standing desk users to stand for thirty minutes, sit for twenty minutes, and then walk or move around for 10 minutes. In this way, being stagnant in standing will be avoided. You can be creative by mixing up the pattern; what’s important is that you’re not sticking to either sitting or standing only. To get the best results, strive to make it a habit.

Science has proven that a small change can make an impact. For instance, your metabolism will slow down after close to an hour. Standing even for just five minutes can stimulate your metabolism. Some sources also reveal that walking can help reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases. That is why it is advised as well that workers should do stretching and some kinds of exercises. 

#3 Promote proper posture. Promoting proper posture is correlative with using standing desks. It helps improve posture, both when sitting or standing. Some issues can be prevented, such as neck pain, back pain, fatigue, strain, and digestive problems. 

#4 Standing desks aid in maintaining proper posture. It is vital to pay attention to the positions you do when sitting, standing, or doing other movements. Be committed to valuing your health. Avoid making poor posture a habit. This can lead to other health and work issues.

#5 Utilize the power of ergonomic accessories. Use the right tools with your standing desks. Some ergonomic tools and accessories can help in creating a better work experience. The ergonomic mouse, for instance, can aid in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome and strain when typing or working on computers. Monitor mounts can also be infused in the workplace to ensure proper positioning of monitors. They can help avoid issues such as neck pain and eye strain. Also, an ergonomic anti-fatigue mat can help prevent discomfort when standing. There are also ergonomic chairs that can support good posture while working. All these items provide better ergonomics to create an improved work experience.


It is crucial to position your standing desks at their appropriate height. Ensure as well that you work with the proper posture. To find a wide range to select the best standing desks for your workplace, check the top-notch desks from Anthrodesk.