Highly Effective Stress Reduction Tips at Home

Stress can be everywhere. Especially nowadays, when the world is experiencing challenging times, we can be at risk of anxiety and stress. We can be having negative thoughts and the fact that staying at home can be somehow boring. Without proper knowledge of how to manage stress effectively, it may lead to more serious problems. Not only will it affect a person’s daily work performance, but it may trigger several health issues. That is why it will be helpful if we become aware of highly effective stress reduction tips at home. Only through that will we make the most of our daily opportunities and become more productive.


Common Causes of Stress at Home

Some of us believe that one of the most comfortable places to be in is at home. It serves as our haven, an abode where we can relax or spend time on our important activities. Nowadays, various individuals are also working at home, since it is more practical and ideal.

However, even at home, we can’t be free from stress. In fact, we are also surrounded by various factors that can make us stressed. Some of these include the following:


#1 Your home-based job

Although there can be many benefits of working from home, you can still be affected by the stress caused by your job. There can be demanding tasks assigned to you, or deadlines overwhelming your mind. Poor communication with the team at work can also cause you the difficulty in performing your duties. Plus, when your workstation is not properly set up, you may feel not comfortable and give your best to your job

We share tips on how to manage and handle stress at work here.


#2 Clutter

Your stress level can be triggered when you see piles of scattered tops, piles of paper, dirty dishes, and unwashed clothes. They can make you frustrated, and the way you spend your whole day can be significantly affected.


#3 Noise

Noise can be distracting and irritating. The noise from animals, vehicles outside, and even from kids and other housemates can give you stress. Especially when you’re working on a critical task, noise can give you stressful headaches.


#4 Conflicts and arguments

There can be heated arguments and conversations, which often lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. It can be between you and your partner, kids, and anyone from your housemates. This is why you should always have patience and understanding. Stress may happen when you fail to manage your emotions.


#5 Certain foods

Are you still eating junk foods? Make sure to stop or keep it in moderation. According to the Stress Management Society, the foods you eat have a direct effect on your levels of anxiety. Choose to eat healthy foods, rich in Vitamins and minerals, instead of the junk foods that contribute to your stress.

According to Very Well Mind, financial problems may also contribute to the worsening of stress. In one of its published articles, it mentioned:

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States. In a 2015 survey, the APA reported that 72% of Americans stressed about money at least some of the time during the previous month.1 The majority of the study participants reported money being a significant source of stress, with 77% feeling considerable anxiety about finances.”

The same article also included personal relationships, parenting, personality and resources, work, and a busy lifestyle that can dramatically contribute to having stress.


The Negative Effects of Stress at Home

There are various negative effects of stress at home, specifically on your health and performance. An interesting article from Helpguide.org stated that when you are super stressed, it can be perilous. A part of the report highlighted:

“If you tend to get stressed out frequently, like many of us in today’s demanding world, your body may exist in a heightened state of stress most of the time. And that can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.”

The most common health issues related to stress include eczema, digestive issues, weight issues, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, autoimmune diseases, heart issues, chronic pain, and memory issues.


Effective Stress Reduction Tips at Home that You can Try

It’s always ideal to be knowledgeable of what causes stress at your home. This is crucial for you to be able to find the best solution to reduce stress and its dangers. HelpGuide.org advised the following:

Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. While it’s easy to identify major stressors such as changing jobs, moving, or going through a divorce, pinpointing the sources of chronic stress can be more complicated. It’s all too easy to overlook how your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours contribute to your everyday stress levels. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about work deadlines, but maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands, that is causing the stress.”


It also mentioned that it would be helpful to learn how to avoid unnecessary stress by eliminating those factors or things that are making us stressed.

Below are some stress reduction tips that can help you eliminate the adverse effects caused by stress:

#1 Practice meditation

Meditation can aid in easing anxiety and stress. Doing it daily can help alter the brain’s neural paths, making it more resilient to the risk of acquiring stress.

#2 Exercise

Exercise can help to combat stress. It is effective in putting physical stress on your body and amazingly relieves mental stress. Try to find a kind of exercise that you can enjoy, like jogging, dancing, yoga, or rock climbing.

#3 Declutter

If you are getting stressed from the clutter in your home, it’s time to get more organized. There are various decluttering techniques that you can try. What’s important is that you get rid of unnecessary stuff and leave only those that you need.

#4 Learn how to communicate and reach out

When you feel you’re in solitude, it may be difficult to manage and handle stress. It would be best if you will talk to others, communicate with your friends and family to help you feel you’re not alone. Doing that can give you a fresh perspective to create a strong and better connection.

#5 Write on a journal

Writing down your thoughts and feelings will also help you reduce stress. Jot things down, write down what you are thankful for. Gratitude is proven to reduce anxiety and stress. Stay focused on positive thoughts and a better perspective on life.

#6 Work in a comfortable environment

If you’re working at home and would like to get rid of too much physical and mental stress, make sure to be in a comfortable working environment. For instance, your desk and chair should help you promote proper posture. A standing desk or desk converter can help you prevent a sedentary lifestyle. Apply proper ergonomics to ensure safety and productivity. Ergonomics can undoubtedly aid in stress reduction, as long as it is appropriately applied.

#7 Limit your caffeine intake

You may be one of the coffee-lovers out there, who seem not to have a complete day without a cup of coffee. Caffeine, the most common stimulant that is found in coffee, chocolate, tea, and other energy drinks, can help you stay vigilant and active. But, too much of this can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Make sure to have coffee in moderation. Avoid having more than five cups of coffee each day.


Stress can be alarming if not managed properly. When it comes to your home, there are various effective tips that you can try. Make sure to stay positive instead of making yourself stressed with things around you.