How to be Automation-Proof in a Competitive, Tech-Dependent Environment

You’ve probably heard about how robots are soon going to take our jobs, but if you are someone in the right industry with the right set of skills, you might essentially be untouchable. No matter how “intelligent” and cost-efficient AI is, some skills, personality, and roles can only be conquered by human beings-- and that human being can be you.

Being "Future-Proof"

Even though the future might sound really exciting, it can also come with a bit of danger for those whose professions are deemed replaceable by robots or AI. As more jobs become more susceptible to automation, you can protect yourself by essentially becoming "future-proof". Being "future-proof" does not necessarily mean switching to careers that are less likely to be phased out in the decades to come, although it would help to switch to more lucrative careers in the future.

Being “future proof” mostly entails making yourself a more competitive individual in your field. This means you must be someone who can directly aid in profit generation and carry out IT-relevant tasks. If you are thinking about learning new IT skills online, you can always turn to MOOC’s.

You can also “future proof” yourself by connecting with the right individuals as early as now and building rich relationships with the right industry leaders. No matter how automated some jobs can get, these industry leaders can help you find a comfortable and profitable spot in various firms.

Embrace your strengths and couple it with tech because the future will undoubtedly be more dependent on technology, it’s only normal to learn more IT or tech-intensive skills. If this can be difficult for you due to your schedule, current profession, or if picking up a new skill altogether can be a challenge, do what many professionals are doing today: they are embracing their strengths while learning IT skills that can complement it.

Learning New Tools & Skills

Even if the market becomes more competitive, you can be more marketable compared to your peers by learning how to marry technology with your current profession. Learn several tools that are used by many companies today, but make sure that you can let your expertise shine through when you learn something new. Separate yourself from the competition by learning how to automate your own tasks yourself. If there are tasks or processes that you specifically excel in, take these and learn how to automate or make them faster to do so you can oversee tasks relating to the automation of your own work in the future.

Why work hard when you can work smart? Rather than working on things manually, learn how to build and design tools that can cut your own work time by a quarter, or learn how to read databases and algorithms so you can stay ahead of other people who are in the same industry as you. Be someone who can directly contribute to profit. If there are any jobs that will always be safe from bots or automation, these are jobs that can directly contribute to profit generation or expense reduction.

Needless to say, any professional who can aid in increasing company profits and/or reducing expenses and liabilities will always find a role waiting for them in any industry. Businesses naturally need profits to survive, and if you want to be irreplaceable (except by someone who possesses the same skills as you do), consider being that individual who can bring more sales and profits in.

If you currently belong to an industry that is what many call an “expense department,” consider adding new skills to your personal arsenal that can make you a profit generator rather than a hole in a ship. Always highlight skills of yours that can aid in the increase in revenue and the decrease in costs. If you also have ideas on how to reduce costs in your department, bring them forward to your system since the recognition can look good on your resume.


The keyword is STEM. If you are still wondering whether you belong to an industry that will one day be almost-forgotten and non-existent, ask yourself this simple question: am I working in STEM industries? A “yes” naturally means you won’t be looking for a new job anytime soon or in the decades to come. A “no”, however, could mean that you would have to develop your current skills and embrace new ones that are less likely to be less lucrative in the future.

Moreover, if you are looking into a career change, consider the STEM fields, as well. Jobs here are aplenty and qualified professionals are few. Even if you learn new skills late, there will always be an opportunity waiting for you in this industry.