Most office jobs require people to work on their desks, sitting down for a certain period of time. In a lot of cases, this process is repetitive, happening almost every day. With the focus solely on work, people may neglect how their bodies are positioned while sitting. This can cause bodily pains, and one of them may be an Anterior Pelvic Tilt.


What is Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT), according to Medical News Today, a well-known medical news provider, may “alter in a pose that occurs when the front of the pelvis pivots forward, and the back of the pelvis rises.” An anterior pelvic tilt may be caused by sitting for long periods without proper stretching or exercise to prevent the effects of sitting all day. Tightened muscles in the front of your thighs and pelvis may be felt, while those on the back feel weak.

While it is commonly harmless, it can also pose issues as soon as the tilt becomes severe. It can cause lower backache and other fitness troubles, as stated through Running Magazine, a known fitness magazine.

Having an anterior pelvic tilt while working out can be dangerous. Exercises like squats and deadlifts may cause lower back pain and even wounds, possibly a higher chance of getting knee pain. Working out can worsen the front pelvic tilt even more.

According to Dr. Jason E. Lowenstein, a Scoliosis & Spinal deformity surgeon from New Jersey, “ an Anterior Pelvic Tilt differs from each individual. While some cases only have minor posture problems and need slight variations to their workout routine to alleviate their concerns, others experience pain and need extensive exercise to fix the problem.” 


How to Know if you have an Anterior Pelvic Tilt

One way to determine whether you have an anterior pelvic tilt or not is through the Thomas Test. Named after a British orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hugh Owen Thomas, this test measures hip flexors' flexibility.

  1. Sit on the edge of a table
  2. Lie down on the table with your legs hanging off the table. 
  3. Pull one of your legs toward you, holding beneath your knee and curling your leg until it rests against the chest. 
  4. Repeat with the other leg. 

If your pelvis is positioned properly, the back of your resting leg will contact the work area once you get into this position.

If you feel the need to rotate or extend your resting hip or leg for you to touch the table. You may feel that your front muscles are tight. These are likely signals of a tilted pelvis.


Common Causes of Anterior Pelvic Tilt

There are several factors that may cause anterior pelvic tilt. These are::

#1 Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for too long puts the hip flexors in a shortened position. The hip (glutes) 'primary extensor muscle will be inactive, while the spine's extensors try to keep an upright position on your torso area. This causes anterior pelvic tilt.


#2 Posture

Proper posture is a factor that can increase the risk of an anterior pelvic tilt. Since your body regularly leans forward at a few moments of our day-to-day tasks, it offers grounds for advancement for the APT as prolonged sitting without proper posture weakens the muscle flexors due to lack of use.


#3 Lacking Physical Activity

Connected to prolonged sitting, lack of motion and exercise weakens the muscles and creates a risk of developing APT. 


Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fixes

APT can cause discomfort during work and may hinder you from performing well. But how can you avoid APT or recover from it? Here are some of the ways you can fix your Anterior Pelvic Tilt:


#1 Maintaining Proper Posture

Maintaining proper posture helps your bones and joints aligned. This prevents muscular pain and backache, decreasing the strain on the ligaments in the spine.

Attaining a proper posture while seated can easily be done by keeping your back straight while your feet are on the ground. Another way is to extend your legs once in a while at work. Standing every two hours of sitting can aid in preventing APT. 


#2 Exercising

Another way to prevent front pelvic tilt is to work out. According to Dr. Jason Lowenstein, there are a lot of exercises that can address anterior pelvic tilt and its symptoms. One should have these six goals in mind:

  •  Stimulate and extend the lumbar spine
  •  Activate and extricate the thoracic spine 
  • Increase adaptability within the front hip 
  • Strengthen the patient's core muscles 
  • Reinforce the glutes 
  • Enhance hamstring strength 


These are well-known practical exercises to help prevent and improve your body from anterior pelvic tilt:


2.1 Squats

Strengthens the hamstrings and leg muscles (

  • Stand with the feet marginally wider than hip-width. 
  • Turn the toes marginally outward.
  •  Squeeze the muscles of your stomach, and keep the back in a neutral position. 
  • Take a deep breath in. 
  • Lower your hips back and down, causing the knees to bend until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  •  The knees ought to not expand past the toes, and the heels ought to be solidly on the floor. Breathe out and gradually return to the beginning position.
  •  Repeat 10 to 20 times.


2.2 Planks

Planking helps strengthen the glutes in addition to the anterior center muscles. Here are the steps on how to do planks, according to Medical News Today.

  • Stand with the feet marginally wider than hip-width. 
  • Turn the toes marginally outward.
  •  Squeeze your stomach muscles. Maintain the back in a neutral position. 
  • Breathe in deeply. 
  • Lower the hips down and back; this will cause the knees to bend until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  •  The knees ought to not expand past the toes, and the heels ought to be solidly on the floor. Breathe out and gradually return to the beginning position.
  •  Repeat 10 to 20 times.


2.3 Hip Flexor Stretches

Hip flexor stretches help loosen and lengthen tight hip flexor muscles. 

  • Stand with feet separated and toes forward (Hip width) 
  • Bend right knee whereas bringing the right heel up to the glutes 
  • Hold the foot and delicately drag until the knee points towards the floor 
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds 
  • Repeat on another side of the body


2.4 Glute Bridge

Glute bridge exercises target the hamstrings and core stabilizer muscles.

  • Lie on the floor carefully with your face in an upward position. Make sure that your knees are also bent. Place your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Squeeze your stomach muscles so that the back is level against the floor. 
  • Keep the stomach muscles locked in all through the exercise.
  •  Breathe out, and then lift your hips off the floor so the upper body and thighs shape a straight line. Breathe in and delicately lower the body to the floor. 
  • Repeat 10 to 20 times

Note that people are different, as some people may also have a better time doing these workout routines and recovering while others may experience gradual development.


#3 Using Ergonomic Office Chairs

Ergonomic chairs are designed to provide comfort, especially for people who are required to sit for long hours. They also help improve your posture and aid in correcting or preventing anterior pelvic tilt.

Office workers are prone to slouch, leading to poor posture and acquiring health problems such as anterior pelvic tilt. Ergonomic office chairs can help maintain a correct sitting posture, preventing those who sit for long hours from developing APT.

Also, using a sit-to-stand desk can help workers to easily switch from sitting to standing, alleviating the strain your lower extremities may have.



Anterior Pelvic Tilt is a posture-related problem that is not always given attention promptly. We only start to notice once we start feeling uncomfortable and, in some cases, pain. These can be alleviated by merely observing proper posture and using the right tools and equipment to keep the body healthy.