How to Improve Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace

An interpersonal relationship usually involves connections or associations between two or more people. When working in an office or any workplace, we usually do not work alone, so it’s important to maintain healthy relationships with our coworkers. Each employee must spend time communicating with other people around them.

It can be in the form of talking, correspondence, reporting, or one-on-one conversation. People in the organization need to convey messages and discuss various issues in the workplace. There can also be projects and developments that may require updates. Thus, an effective interpersonal relationship is necessary. 


Why Are Interpersonal Relationships Important in the Workplace?

Employees share a significant bond that helps them perform and become more productive. It is also vital for individuals to be honest with each other to promote a healthy workplace relationship. 

So, before knowing how to improve interpersonal relationships, here are six reasons why they are important: 

#1 Employees must feel that they have companions in the workplace

An employee usually works around eight to ten hours a day and they’re usually working alongside other people. They need to deal and communicate with other team members, either remotely or in a traditional office setting. When working, people need to express their feelings and share their thoughts.

They will feel more comfortable working in a place where their voices are heard, and their opinions are respected. People are social animals, thus we are compelled to build relationships with other individuals. An employee who works in isolation is at risk of experiencing anxiety and stress. They should enjoy their job and go to work motivated.

Having a great interpersonal relationship with other coworkers will help people feel less lonely and more inspired career-wise. It is also crucial to have trustworthy co-workers to whom confidential matters can be shared.

We must have friends in the workplace who we can confide in and trust to do a great job. They can give us honest feedback and genuine advice to help us improve. 

#2 It is easier to make decisions

Different cases require different solutions. In line with that, smart decision-making is necessary. When there is an effective interpersonal relationship in the workplace, making decisions will not be challenging. Employees can brainstorm solutions together.

It will be less complicated to implement the best solution possible. There will be better techniques and strategies to be discussed when various individuals help each other. 

#3 Interpersonal relationships have an effect on the workplace’s organization 

Confusion and misunderstandings cause negativity in the workplace among team members. Although they might not always be avoided, they must be appropriately handled to evade more significant issues. One effective way to do this is to promote open communication between employees. 

Encourage employees to go to their boss or manager whenever a conflict arises. Make sure that you treat everyone equally, and you don’t play favourites. Try to the best of your ability to narrow down the issue and fix it as soon as possible. 

#4 Employees need to be appreciated for their dedication and hard work

Recognitions, awards, praise, and appreciation are significant factors that will boost an employee’s morale. We all know that employees can experience pressure and stress due to deadlines, work requirements, and high expectations from the clients. That is why it will be helpful if colleagues, supervisors, and managers can see and recognize employees’ effort and contribution in the workplace.

We need them to remind us that there is an opportunity in every mistake, and there are lessons in every failure. Appreciation from other people can make us feel stronger and more inspired. Our employers can also serve as our mentors since they can give us vital lessons needed to make our jobs better. 

#5 Employees should strive to get along and respect each other

A worker must not be overwhelmed with the pressure of working alone. This can result in feeling low and probably missed deadlines. Remember the saying, ‘no man is an island’?  We can’t always do things on our own. There will be instances when we will need assistance from others. Better results can be achieved when everyone is working hand-in-hand. The pressure on the job will be lowered, and success will be ensured. 

#6 It’s rewarding to know that people care about us 

There will be difficult times; thus, we need to have someone in the workplace to help us when we need them. Just like at home, we can feel safe, secure, and comfortable if people around us are willing to offer a helping hand.


How to Improve Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace

Employees who work in a healthy workplace will get along well. Here are some ways to improve interpersonal relationships among employees in the workplace: 

#1 Communicate effectively 

Employees must learn how to communicate effectively with each other in the workplace. This will lead to a healthy relationship. When a problem arises, make sure to solve it promptly. Communicate with each other to come up with the right decision on how issues will be fixed. 

#2 Conduct morning meetings with the team members

Morning meetings are an essential part of everyone’s day in the workplace. There’s no need to make it too formal. This can be a time to remind employees to do their best for the whole day. Give some inspiring words and challenge them to become better with their performance. 

#3 Avoid favouritism 

Unfair treatment among employees can bring negative effects to the whole team. Avoid favouring some employees just because they are your relatives or you are close to them. 

#4 Interact with co-employees regularly

As mentioned before, there should be an opportunity for everyone to express their thoughts and opinions. However, they should also know other forms of communication, such as speaking and writing. 

It’s also imperative to understand how to avoid hurting the feelings of others. Many useful things can be done to ensure that a great relationship is promoted. Smiling at your co-workers can be one of those things. Greeting or saying, ‘Hi’ can give them a fantastic start of their day. 

#5 Join your team for lunch, picnics, and other events

Relationships with your co-workers will strengthen when you spend time together. Join them in some events such as lunch, parties, and other meaningful moments of their lives. These moments can also be a good chance to know them better. Talk to them and share some insights that you believe will be useful to the company. 

#6 Celebrate your colleague’s birthdays and work anniversaries 

You can make your colleagues feel special on their birthdays and anniversaries. Sending them a card or greeting them will surely mark a part in your heart. They can be small acts, but they can be a big part of their lives. They will remember such a sweet gesture and may lead to a stronger relationship. 

#7 Avoid negativity in the workplace 

Employees need to be flexible and learn to adjust to the workplace, too. Do not set high expectations for your job and avoid fighting over petty things. Always look at the positive side of life. Besides, you should start motivating yourself that everything will be fine. 

#8 Avoid jealousy and being selfish

Do not let your ego overwhelm your personality. We all have different skills and knowledge. Celebrate with the success of others. Show your appreciation when someone earns an achievement. It will surely pay off in the future. 

Remember that you are all working to achieve the same goal within the company. Sure, a bit of friendly competitiveness is healthy. However, try not to take your colleague’s success too personally but instead focus on your own professional journey. 


A workplace can be a vast area for individuals working together. There should be open communication and harmonious relationships among them. 

Effective interpersonal relationships in the office and other work areas must be promoted. Everyone will be a part of achieving success. Every professional strives to achieve self-development and better themselves.

Your colleagues are your allies, company’s, and you should strive to work together for the company’s better good. We understand that not everyone will be your cup of tea, and sometimes we might not get along with everyone. However, you need to act like a professional in the workplace and leave your personal issues aside.