How To Instill Discipline In The Workplace

Discipline is a significant factor in promoting harmony and professionalism in the workplace. It is crucial when it comes to training the employees to ensure they will abide by the company’s rules and codes of conduct. There are several ways to promote and maintain discipline in your organization. 


Maintaining Discipline: Tips For Implementation 


Below are some of the effective techniques every leader of an organization must know. These will help instill discipline among employees in the company to promote camaraderie and avoid possible management issues. 


#1 Make the workplace a pleasant area to work

A happy, safe, and light-hearted workplace can bring productivity and positive results for the employees. The office should not be a place that threatens or pressures people. 

When they are happy and satisfied with how the company is treating them, it will be easier to create a productive office with well-disciplined employees. That's why it's essential to make the office a second home to the employees. 


#2 Establish a clear code of conduct 

When there is a clear code of conduct in the company, it will be easier to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable for the organization’s members. 

Misconducts in the workplace include fraud, falsification of documents, harassment, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, insubordination, theft, breach of confidentiality, bribery, discrimination, conflict of interest, and assaults.  Every company must have a manual, rules and code of conduct for reference. 


#3 Give people convenience at work

When people are given their space at work, it will be convenient for them to work and be creative. As a boss, you will not like the idea of closely supervising them forever. Not all individuals are comfortable being watched all the time. They also need the space to work on their preference and their way. 


#4 Informing new employees about the company rules 

Newly-hired employees should be informed about the company’s code, so they understand the dos and don'ts. There can be updates or changes in the office’s rules and policies, which must be communicated effectively to all workers. Encourage all the employees to read and understand the manual and ask any questions for better understanding. Let them know that the HR department will always be willing to assist in consulting and answering questions. 


#5 Stick to the policy

Disciplined is instilled effectively when the policies are implemented consistently and fairly. Managers must give equal treatment and punishment to all the organization members to avoid unfair treatment and discrimination. 

When the policies are implemented accordingly, employees will provide respect not only to their employers but also to the whole company. 


#6 Be clear about the consequences of each case of misconduct and develop a zero-tolerance policy for violations

A zero-tolerance policy can be an effective way to discipline employees. For every violation, make sure to state the consequences. Depending on how severe the misconduct, penalties can be through verbal or written writing, suspension, or termination.


#7 Be transparent with the process of reporting a breach of conduct 

Make sure that the employees understand the process of how to report a breach of conduct. Often, it's by reporting the issue directly to the HR personnel or the manager. 

Prompt action and a fair investigation are needed to implement for each report. This is to ensure that the issue will not grow into bigger problems, and the right solutions will be formulated. 

Every employee should understand the seriousness of the issue if they fail to be transparent and fair in the workplace. Make sure that they understand the consequences when they fail to follow the company rules. 


#8 Have a three-strikes policy in the workplace

There should be consequences for the members of the organization who refuse to follow the rules of the company. Rules are rules, and they should be followed. When an employee breaks the rules, then serious attention must be given. One effective solution is to implement a three-strikes policy. 

When employees are given several warnings before they can be fired, they will be able to evaluate themselves. They will also think that being disciplined is better than losing their job. 


#9 Conduct leadership training and programs

Leaders of the organization must be informed on how they can motivate their subordinates to value and follow the rules of the company. Leadership training and programs will be a significant help. 

Discipline can be taught; thus, it can be learned as well. When managers show that they lead by example, their employees may follow with respect and discipline. 


#10 Provide employees benefits to follow the rules

Employees will be more inspired and motivated when there are benefits and incentives offered if they follow the rules. Such benefits may include promotions, awards, pay incentives, and others. For instance, wearing a proper uniform in the workplace is a must. 

It should be included in the employee's manual. Managers can give monthly awards or prizes to employees who wear complete and proper uniforms and always look neat and present in the workplace. On the other hand, performance-related benefits must be separated from that for conduct-based incentives. 


#11 Remove distractions

It's essential to eliminate the distractions that may hamper employees to follow the rules in the workplace. More often, the people who forget or did not follow the rules are those who are not focused on their jobs and specifications. 

The managers must ensure that the office is laid out correctly. Besides, the equipment and the technology they are using must be all working properly. For instance, social media sites must not be open during working hours. Often, employees’ productivity level is affected by undue time spent on social media and dealing with things not related to work. 


#12 Pay attention to effective communication with employees

Active listening and effective communication must be ensured within the company. This will help create a disciplined office, with employees willing to follow the rules in the organization. The people in the organization should feel that they can communicate with the leaders if they have questions and other concerns that require an answer.

Having a workplace with effective communication is a healthy decision to make for every business owner. Communication in the workplace must be a two-way process, both for the employees and employers. 



Maintaining discipline in the workplace is an integral part of the organization's success. It is not only the leader’s role to create rules and regulations, but it's also a big part of the employee’s role to know, understand, and follow them. 

To make sure that employees understand the rules; you need to make them as clear as possible so there is no room for interpretation. Also, make sure that they understand the consequences when they fail to behave properly or if they trouble other employees. 

Whether you have a small or big company, the rules are pretty much the same, the challenge lies in making sure that they are implemented and respected. Do not be afraid to stick to your guns and implement the unwanted consequences for employees who you feel have deliberately defied your company’s rules. 

If you are consistent with your rules and policies employees will take your authority to heart and will do your best to mind their own business. If you bend the rules for certain employees, you will seem untrustworthy and people will doubt your capabilities as a leader.