How to Leverage your Office Layout for Efficiency and Productivity

Health is wealth, as we all know. Without good health, we won't be able to perform to the best of our abilities. It would be a struggle to take care of home chores, office work, and managing a business. When it comes to work, working professionals must always strive to become at their optimum health.


Easy and Effective Tips to Efficiently Perform in the Workplace

Being sick and not feeling well is often the reason for absences in the workplace. Unfortunately, health maladies can significantly affect task productivity and efficiency.

Here are some important tips employees should take under advisement for a healthier life to achieve optimum health.

#1 Eat healthy

Eating healthy foods helps ensure that the body will get the proper nutrition. Choose nutritious foods instead of junk foods. Also, remember that moderation is always key when it comes to the right foods you will consume.

As advised by experts, you must have a good and filling breakfast to give you energy for the whole day. You can also choose a healthy lunch while you are in the workplace. Give yourself some short breaks and choose healthy snacks. The best snack meals may include fruits, smoothies, granola bars, and nuts. Have a light and healthy dinner as well. 

#2 Learn to manage stress

Most working professionals are experiencing stress from time to time due to various reasons. They may struggle each day from beating deadlines, hectic schedules, work and personal problems, and other issues that can be so tiring. 

When tasks are not properly delegated, there can be confusion and this may lead to bigger office issues. That is when stress may get the better of us. Stress may reflect on our physical attributes, but sometimes, employees also experience emotional discomfort.

It is crucial to manage stress to make working on tasks more convenient. Find ways to relax. Do things that make you happy. Spend time on your hobbies or anything that may interest you. Relax your mind and indulge your body to feel better. It will be beneficial if you learn to relax your mind and create a healthy balance in work and life.

Keeping yourself in good shape requires consistency and effort. Overall good health and fitness can't be achieved in just a day or two. Certain habits must be included in your daily routine. A long-term commitment and discipline must also be considered in terms of physical and mental wellbeing, especially at work. 

#3 Drink plenty of water

Some of us are too focused on work that we neglect to drink enough water each day. That needs to be changed since we need to keep ourselves active and hydrated to perform our jobs well.

Dehydration can lead to feeling sluggish, tired, and sick. Experts advise adults to drink between 6-8 glasses of water every day. You can also eat fresh fruits to beat hunger and dehydration. Since they are healthy too, you can get a lot more health benefits from them. 

#4 Reduce your caffeine intake

A lot of office workers are addicted to coffee. For some of them, they can work better once they can have caffeine intake. However, that needs to be in moderation. Limit coffee intake from 1-2 cups per day. You can also cut sugar by choosing black coffee since sugar significantly increases the calories in a coffee. 


#5 Keep a good posture

Maintaining good posture at work requires effort. Employees who experience pressure in the neck and spine may feel discomfort during work. Such a situation can be avoided when ergonomics are applied. 

More and more offices are now incorporating ergonomic equipment such as a standing desk and ergonomic chair. Not only that, but there are also other accessories in their workplaces, such as an ergonomic mouse. They provide comfort and efficiency to the members of the organization. This is also their way to get updated with the technological breakthroughs in the office.     

#6 Take frequent breaks

We all want to finish our work so we can go home after office hours. We focus too much on the job that we forget to take some time to rest. However, this doesn't mean that you must sit at your desk for long hours. 

You should also allow yourself to take productive breaks. If you're too overwhelmed by work, your creativity may be reduced. Stand from your desk now and again for several minutes. This can help you rejuvenate, relax, and become more productive. 

#7 Cut down your sugar intake

As mentioned before, you must choose healthy foods as snacks. Taking sugary snacks, according to health experts, can put your health at risk. Various diseases can be related to sugar intakes, such as diabetes and obesity. Make sure to limit sweets in your daily diet. 

If you do find yourself craving sweets, we suggest eating the types of fruits that you like: bananas, grapes, dates, and figs; they are quite sweet, and can definitely help control your sweet tooth. If you’d like something different than fruits, dark chocolate is your next best option. 

#8  Keep your work desk clean and organized

A clean and organized desk can contribute to the level of productivity in the workplace. A messy desk can affect your mood at work. Declutter, and make sure every item is placed on their proper. You can also have sanitizing wipes on your desk so you can use it to wipe the surfaces of your desk. 

Keep essential accessories on your desks such as calendars, table lamps, clip wire organizers, folders, pens, papers, and other items to make your work easier. 

Also, make sure to declutter your office from time to time, e on a weekly basis for example. Get rid of old receipts or other unnecessary items that keep piling up. 

This is especially important to do before Monday hits because when you do arrive at work and find your desk squeaky clean, it will make the beginning of a new week more bearable.

#9 Do not mingle with sick employees

When there are sick employees in the workplace, it will be a precautionary measure to avoid contacting them. Let them rest at home so that they won't affect other employees in the office. Wash your hands often and sanitize to make sure you won't get infectious diseases. 

Remember, prevention is always better than treatment. Inform the manager or your supervisor if there are employees who are sick or not feeling well. They will fix the work schedule in case needed. Sick employees will be better to stay so you won't spread the infection to other people. 

#10 Be hygienic at all times

Being hygienic at all times will keep you fit and healthy. There are necessary steps to do that require consistency, effort, and discipline. Always bring a bottle of hand sanitizer at your desk. Protect yourself from harmful elements in the environment so you won't get sick. 

You will be able to perform well at work if you are always feeling good. With the COVID pandemic we need to be extra careful so always make sure that you disinfect everything before working and after leaving work. Don’t forget your mask. 


Staying healthy should be one of the topmost things to keep in mind. For some, this won't be easy to get started, but it's all worth the effort. You can create a healthier environment for work, so you can be more productive and efficient to come up with amazing results. 

To feel and look healthier, you only need to make a few changes and stick to them as much as possible. As long as you do everything consistently and in moderation you will be fine.