Read and Remember Forever -- How to Study Better

Unless you possess photographic memory, the only way you can ever remember things you read for a long time is to employ certain learning and memorization techniques. Let go of the traditional image of studying, because opening up a book and reading it may not always cut it for some learners. If you are frustrated at how you can’t seem to remember certain concepts you’ve read or studied, what you may need to do is to change your study habits altogether.

Believe it or not, many people CAN actually remember what they read for a long time, and many have succeeded at achieving the same goal by utilizing effective studying techniques. Whether you are studying for an upcoming quiz or updating what you know about a certain topic, you are most likely to succeed at remembering information with an improved studying style.

Know Your Studying Style

Everything begins here: knowing what works for you and what doesn’t, knowing your studying and learning styles, and what environment you should avoid in order to concentrate better.

If you do not exactly know what kind of conducive environment suits your studying style, there are quizzes available on the internet which will help you identify the style that suits your personality, concentration triggers, and memory span. Alternatively, you can list down the things that make you comfortable, or recall all the places where you studied and found the ambiance suitable for your needs, and surround yourself with the same qualities.

One of the main reasons why many people do not grasp ideas just as easily as other people do is because they are not learning information according to how their body or cognitive development may prefer it. Some of us may learn better with pictures, or we might grasp and retain ideas better when we perform them. Other people tend to write their ideas down, others might simply need to hear it once and they’re good for the rest of their academic life. Other learners can thrive in a dark environment, but others may prefer a well-lit study desk.

Our personal journeys to studying new things something will vary, so know the paths that are comfortable for you to walk in.

Your Study Position Matters

Once you’ve figured out how to study in a way that is more attuned to your learning styles, try to do it safely. Safety in studying is not limited to studying where it is only safe, it also means studying in positions or poses that will not bring further discomfort or injury to your body. The rationale behind this is simple: you are more likely to forget things you read when you are uncomfortable, and bodily discomforts tend to affect concentration and memory. There is absolutely no reason why you should expose yourself to any posture or pose that can bring further ruin to your mental and physical state. That being said, pay attention to your attention when you study, because it matters.

If your study materials are all available online and might require you to sit in front of the computer for hours on end, try to switch up your position from time to time. For example, stand after 2 or 3 hours of sitting, and stand on an ergonomic floor mat so your feet are planted at a comfortable, less strenuous angle.

Opt for Health Dietary Options

Yes, you can eat your way to better memory.

One of the main reasons why children (or students across all ages) are encouraged to eat fruits and greens as regularly as they can is because many of these fruits and vegetables have memory-enhancing properties. Food that you should look into specifically are those with high choline and omega-3 fatty acids. Both of these are nutrients that aid in memory-building and brain function, so you might need to stock up on those if you want your studying to render better results. Get these nutrients from chicken and eggs, or vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and lentils.

Also make it a habit to drink at least 2 liters of water everyday. Migraines are often brought about by dehydration, and if this occurs too frequently, you may experience memory retention issues.

Test Yourself Constantly

Once you feel you’ve read as much as you can about a certain topic, it’s time to quiz yourself. In the process of studying, write down the points you’ve learned in the form of a questionnaire. List down all the possible questions which you feel you will appear in your tests, or which you feel you need to remember more. At the end of your study session, quiz yourself by answering your self-made questionnaire.

There are two reasons why this can be a helpful means of reviewing things you are learning. One, you are mentally preparing yourself for the quiz. Although review questionnaires won’t make you get over the nervousness which you may experience prior to taking an exam, this reviewer could ease the initial fear. Two, you might successfully guess what questions are going to pop up in your own quiz, because of this reviewer, you’re bound to get it right.