Remote Working Tips: How to Develop an Interpersonal Relationship at Work

Working remotely is undeniably on the rise now. The benefits it can bring to workers such as comfort and a more flexible schedule make this work trend a more preferred by many. Plus, the current technological advances make remote working a more advantageous work style. This is a new way to create freedom instead of confining ourselves in the cubicle and spend the 9-5 office working hours. To achieve positive work results, every remote worker should learn how to develop an interpersonal relationship at work.


In research conducted by Buffer, 99% of respondents stated they would prefer to telecommute for some time. A lot of brands nowadays are considering and accepting a remote lifestyle for their workers. Hiring managers predict that in the next ten years, more and more people will be working from home.


In a post published by, remote working promotes better productivity. It stated:

"Some might think that working from home and having that freedom means less productivity and more slacking off to do other things, but studies show this isn't the case. In a recent study by Stanford University, researchers found that when employees worked from home, their productivity dramatically increased. The time they usually spent chatting with co-workers, commuting to and from work, and taking breaks was now used to complete full workdays."

The same article also stated that working remotely also has great benefits for the environment. Workers consumed fewer resources and greenhouse gases when they shifted to remote working.


Skills Needed by Remote Workers


On the following list are the skills required for remote workers to ensure quality job results:


#1 Time management skills

Working from home can sometimes be tempting to spend working hours on other things. This is because we become too comfortable with our flexible schedule. Without proper discipline on time management, we will end up struggling with the accumulated tasks. Adequate time management must be deemed as a crucial skill to level up remote working experience.


#2 Effective communication skills

Communication is also a crucial factor when working remotely. Even if you're not dealing face to face with your work colleagues, you still need to have an effective communication method with them. There are always ideas to be discussed, problems to be solved, and questions to be answered. Poor communication can be a significant hindrance when it comes to interacting with team members. Make sure to utilize the power of technology as well as the right equipment for better communication.


#3 Efficient collaboration

Since remote working requires virtual communication, remote workers need to learn how to use collaboration tools and programs. Several project management tools are accessible and available today, such as Asana, Trello, Google Drive, and Slack. They can help workers to organize tasks and monitor their progress.


#4 Technical knowledge

Technical knowledge, such as using computers and other gadgets, is also a significant skill that every employee should have. There'sThere's no more excuse not to learn such knowledge since there are many tools and tutorials that are highly available now.


#5 Work-Life Balance

There are times when tasks are overwhelming, and working can be stressful. That is why it is essential to develop a work-life balance, to make sure you're still taking care of yourself while performing tasks at work.


#6 Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills refer to the skills we use daily when we interact and communicate with other people, in groups and individually. They are composed of various skills, such as the following:

- Communication skills

- Team-working

- Persuasion and negotiation

- Influence skills

- Decision-making

- Conflict resolution

- Emotional intelligence

- Problem-solving


Work Tips on How to Develop Interpersonal Relationship with your Colleagues


Remote working can be more efficient when there are strong interpersonal relationships. It can be challenging since you are not doing physical interaction; however, it can be made possible with the proper development of interpersonal relationships. Below are some tips on how to do it:


#1 Have constant communication.

Building constant communication will help you and your co-workers build stronger work relationships. You can do it by scheduling either weekly or monthly meetings. This is an effective way to keep in touch and know if there are issues that are needed to be fixed.

Also, always keep your emails open. You can activate desktop notification for your new emails to make sure you'll not miss anything, especially those urgent and important messages.


#2 Respect the different working time zones of everyone

It has become a new norm to work with people in different time zones. You can be working with someone from the UK and then another one from the US. You may also have team members from Asia. Although time schedules can be conflicting for everyone, a flexible schedule should be considered. Be mindful of each other's time zone and respect their cultural differences. Managers should schedule a time where everyone can be available to make sure communication will go smoothly.


#3 Be accessible

As a remote worker, you should always keep yourself available for any concerns or messages. Make yourself available during core hours or working hours. It is also vital that you send a message if there are things that you may need clarifications or solutions. You use various tools and channels, such as emails, chat boxes, text messages, video conferences, and others.


#4 Utilize social media to collaborate and socialize

Nowadays, there are various tools to stay adept and connected due to innovative and modern technology. Ensure that your social media profiles are properly optimized. Remember, your profile can be a reliable platform for your reputation and identity. You can use your social media profile, such as Facebook, Twitter, IG, and Youtube account for further communication.


#5 Try to make an effort to get to know each other

Sharing stories can be fun and exciting ways to know your colleagues better. You can also share your learnings together. You can ask each other about the tasks and develop friendships with them. Whenever possible, discover ways on how you can extend help with your co-workers. Be it help on a certain assignment or advice for a personal problem; you can help build a stronger interpersonal relationship with the other members of the organization.


Final Thoughts

Empathy, as well as other interpersonal skills, should be considered and applied in every work environment. Be physically and emotionally present while working remotely. This can help not only on performing tasks efficiently but also establishing stronger relationships among workmates.