Tips on How to Avoid CardioMetabolic Risk While Working At Home

Workers experience several issues as they take the road to achieve success. These problems may include a lack of planning, unproductive task delegation, posture-related issues, and other problems regarding health. We have heard and read a lot of news and articles talking about the dangers of working for long hours, especially if you’re seated the whole day. This is the main cause of a sedentary lifestyle. The common health issues we know are back pain, neck pain, indigestion, fatigue, and strain injuries. However, there is another health condition, known as ‘cardiometabolic risk’ that should be given proper attention to avoid its possible adverse effects.


What is CardioMetabolic Risk?

You might be wondering what Cardiometabolic risk (CMR) is. It refers to the chance of acquiring diabetes, stroke, and heart diseases. It is crucial to be aware of the level of risk you might be at. This will help you know how to lessen the risk and help you work more efficiently and live a healthier life.

Another definition states that cardiometabolic risk refers to a person’s chances of damaging their blood vessels and heart. The following are the risk factors to be considered:

-       High blood pressure

-       High LDL or known as ‘bad cholesterol’

-       Obesity

-       Triglycerides or high blood fat

-       The inability of the body to use insulin properly

Each factor mentioned is dangerous and may put your life in peril. When these risks are not properly given attention, they will become more dangerous and may pose more bad effects on the body.

In research conducted entitled, “Preventing and Managing Cardiometabolic Risk: The Logic for Intervention”, it was revealed that CardioMetabolic Risk is related to the kind of diet consumed and physical inactivity.

CMR arises from the constellation of obesity (particularly central or abdominal obesity), high triglycerides, low HDL, elevated blood pressure, and elevated plasma glucose. The mechanism of action appears to be a pathway that starts with a behaviour pattern of inadequate physical activity and a diet high in saturated fat and added sugars, and inadequate in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These behaviours lead to insulin resistance as an intermediate state.


Now, who is at risk of CMR?

Experts revealed that individuals who are overweight are more at risk of acquiring stroke, heart issues, and Type 2 diseases. These can happen because the body’s weight has an impact on how insulin functions in the body. If a person is obese or having weight problems, insulin might become less effective causing the body to not respond properly and fail to function effectively. When your body becomes less sensitive to insulin, there will be more glucose that will stock in the blood. This condition is known as insulin resistance and usually leads to diabetes. At the same time, high blood pressure can become more common to individuals with insulin resistance


Effects of CardioMetabolic Risk

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in people with mental illness. People with mental illness also have high rates of diabetes, which can lead to many other health problems. Lowering your cardiometabolic risk can help prevent more serious health problems down the road.

In a study conducted by Science Direct, it was found out that there is an alarming increase in the development of cardiometabolic risks or cardiovascular diseases in the past several decades. A highlight of the said research stated,

“Today, there is an alarming increase in obesity and diabetes mellitus (DM), with a concomitant increase in diabetes-related complications, including CVD. Researchers have found that the risk of CVD becomes greater with increasing hyperglycemia and insulin resistance that occur in people long before the onset of clinical DM. Lifestyle modification with moderate weight loss has been shown to prevent or delay the onset of DM in patients who are at high risk of developing this disease. Unfortunately, the current guidelines for risk assessment provided by medical societies and national organizations are numerous, confusing, and inconsistent in their basic approach to identifying specific risk factors for CVD and DM in patients.”

There are also studies that proved that a sedentary lifestyle can become the cause of cardiovascular-related issues. That is why prolonged sitting is also blamed to be a factor that leads to health issues while working.


How Can CardioMetabolic Risk Affect People Working At Home?

People working at home can spend several hours on their desks. Most of the time, they are seated, and when there are times when schedules are hectic, they are unable to take breaks. That leads to problems such as experiencing chronic pain, fatigue, strain, headaches, and other health conditions.

Unless work-at-home employees practice proper ergonomics and become more aware of how to take care of their health, they will still be at risk of having cardiometabolic diseases.

Some Effective Tips on How to Prevent CardioMetabolic Risk While Working At Home

As previously mentioned, there are various factors that can increase cardiometabolic risk. Some of them can’t be changed, but there are still ways on how to lower the cardiometabolic risks. One key strategy is to promote a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk. You can also ask your doctor to acquire professional advice.

Here are some tips including lifestyle and work changes that will help avoid cardiometabolic risks:

#1 Lose weight

Maintaining a proper weight for your age is important. Lose weight if necessary. Being overweight can cause you to have health issues and may put your health at risk.

#2 Quit smoking

A lot of reminders have been made that smoking is really dangerous to health. This can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. This may also impair proper breathing, so it will be best to avoid it.

#3 Eat a healthy diet

A proper diet can fuel up your body and mind to perform tasks effectively. Unhealthy foods should be avoided since they can cause the body to become weaker and function improperly.

#4 Exercise regularly

It is also vital to keep your whole body active. Doing exercises will be a big help. It will help revitalize and energize your body, so you will stay active and healthy.

#5 Apply ergonomics in the workplace

Working at home entails proper strategies to make sure that everything is taken care of – tasks are completed, emails are responded, and goals are met. To avoid health problems while working, it is crucial to utilize ergonomic equipment and tools to ensure safety and good health. Use standing desks and desk converters to avoid long hours of sitting while working. With this equipment, you can effectively switch from sitting to standing, thus preventing the possible detrimental effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Also, make sure to use an ergonomic chair to prevent back pain and other posture-related problems. There are other ergonomic accessories that can help you stay healthy and productive at work.

#6 Create a work-life balance

Of course, you should not forget to take breaks to give your mind and body time to relax. You should also spend time on your family and personal passion. This will help you become more motivated at work. This technique can also alleviate work burnout, so you’ll stay focused on your job and life.


Final Thoughts

Working at home can be one of the best decisions you can make. This work trend offers a great opportunity to build a professional career and create a life-work balance at the same time. However, working at home can also cause you to be prone to cardiometabolic risk. Choose to be healthy and work with proper ergonomics to avoid its adverse effects.