Unlocking Productivity Truths by Knowing Your Personality Type

Who knew you could unlock your productivity patterns by simply identifying your personality type? Apparently, your personality hints at more than just your attitude towards certain behaviours and triggers; when it comes to the whole endeavour of goal-achievement, knowing your personality thoroughly will allow you to identify your own productivity boosters.

“Who am I?”

To start off at this whole activity of hacking your own productivity, you need to start off by accurately identifying your personality type. Are you an introvert, an ambivert, or an extrovert? It might be easy to easy that introverts are the homebody types, and extroverts are the social butterflies, but if clinical tests are to be observed, personality types go beyond your socialization preferences.

To work better with people, you need to start off by finding out what kind of coworker, leader, friend, or office employee you are. Start by asking yourself this question: what is my personality at home, at work, in public, or around friends? Your behaviors and answers will pretty much give you a hint about your true nature.

Eventually, you need to gauge whether you are indeed an introvert, an ambivert, or an extrovert by going back to every major event or milestone in your life and recalling how you were able to carry yourself around people during these memorable, if not, tense moments. Think about how you acted when you were in front of a crowd for the first time, or think about the moment you had to spend hours indoors to catch up on work.

Understanding Introverts

According to the psychologist, Jonathan Cheek, there are four behaviours where certain levels of introversion may manifest. These exist as social introversion, thinking introversion, anxiety introversion, and finally, restrained introversion. Every behaviour comes with other behaviours and traits which resonate with your introversion.

According to Cheek, social introversion is the most common and most observable trait of introversion. When a person opts to isolate themselves from large crowds rather than bask in the attention, they are more likely to be socially introverted. Furthermore, when an individual overthinks and over-analyzes situations, they meet the criteria of anxiety introverts. Anxious introverts may be able to conduct themselves properly around crowds or people, but may not be able to withstand the pressures of their own thoughts or they might be less restraint than their introverted peers.

If you’ve figured out you are an introvert, you can hack your productivity boosters by immersing yourself in quiet and less-crowded situations and environments that are comfortable and conducive for working in. Refrain from entering offices with the open-space layout, and instead, find your special place in a separate workroom with standing desks and other ergonomic office equipment.

Understanding Ambiverts

Right in the middle are ambiverts who can easily adjust between the two extreme personality types or flourish right in between them. These are the individuals who are sociable, comfortable with ever-changing environments, active, can collaborate in large groups, or they can work alone with ease.,

Ambiverts comprise the majority of the population, so you might be chance upon one or two a lot in your life. If you haven’t identified your personality yet, you can always do so by simply observing your reaction to different possible triggers. Can you easily last in a crowded room or do you work best when you’re alone? These simple questions can make it easier for you to identify your nature.

Understanding Extroverts

Finally, we have the extroverts. Extroverts is merely an umbrella term that has often been used to describe a sociable person, however, according to a research conducted by the Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, extroverts can come in the form of go-getter extroverts or affiliative or socializing extroverts.

Go-getter extroverts may seem dauntless in the face of opportunities, but when the challenges are gone, they may easily transition into an ambivert demeanour. Socializing extroverts, on the other hand, are those who can easily conduct themselves before an audience, or connect with random individuals on the street with ease. These kinds of extroverts tend to seek out the activity as much as they can, so if you find yourself experiencing a slump despite being highly sociable, you might be an extrovert who needs to be in the midst of some activity.

Once you understand the nature behind every personality type, it should be easier for you to kickstart your productivity whenever you feel unmotivated.