Varicose Veins from Standing: Important Things You Should Be Aware Of

All types of jobs can have a  significant impact on our bodies. Some people may think that jobs requiring us to sit all day can be comfortable, but some studies say that they actually bring adverse effects to our health. As most experts advised, we should not be engaged in a sedentary work lifestyle. Various studies have proven that sitting is one of the most common causes of back pain, fatigue, neck pain, eye problems, and other health-related issues at work. 

There are a lot of sources explaining that prolonged sitting can affect our health and overall performance. Standing for long hours can also bring adverse effects to the workers. Varicose veins, for instance, can be acquired due to sitting or standing for long periods of time. Standing can cause the blood to pool in the veins in the legs and may increase pressure on the affected veins. When veins are stretched while standing, they can lead to varicose veins.

You may already notice that after long hours of standing, you experience pains and aches from your feet up to your back and spine. You feel fatigued since most of your body’s weight has been held by your legs and feet. That is why those people who spend more time standing are the ones who have a high risk of getting varicose veins.


According to the Mayo Clinic, we should avoid long periods of standing or sitting. It is advisable to switch your position often to promote blood flow. Walking, for example, is an effective way to stimulate blood circulation in the legs. This will help us avoid having varicose veins. Using anti-fatigue mats also help minimize fatigue due to standing all day. This type of mat can be made from different materials such as rubber, vinyl, and wood. Anthrodesk’s standing desk anti-fatigue mat can help reduce fatigue from standing and provides comfort because of its extreme cushioning with ergo-foam.


What are Varicose Veins?

As previously stated, varicose veins are said to be caused by the increase of blood pressure in your veins. When the valves of your veins become damaged or weak, blood can accumulate in the veins. This leads to the enlargement of the veins. WebMD defines varicose veins as “are large, raised, swollen blood vessels that twist and turn. They usually develop in the legs and can be seen through the skin.”

To simply describe, varicose veins are enlarged or twisted veins. The veins often affected are those in the legs, because standing and walking for several hours can also sometimes bring pressure in the lower part of the body. Varicose veins can be painful and often feel uncomfortable. When left unnoticed, these can lead to more severe health issues. Based on an article published by Mayo Clinic, varicose veins can lead to several complications such as blood clots, ulcers, and bleeding.


Causes of Varicose Veins

Several factors are said to cause varicose veins. Some of these are the following:

#1 The risk of having varicose veins increases while we age. This is due to damage to the valves of the veins that aid in regulating the blood flow.

#2 When there is a family history of varicose veins, then you may be at risk as well.

#3 Being overweight

#4 Conditions related to hormonal changes such as menopause and puberty

#5 Blood clots

#6 Women are observed to be more prone to developing varicose veins

#7 Using birth control pills and hormone treatments

#8 Pregnancy is also known to produce varicose veins

#9 Health conditions that contribute to the increase of pressure in your abdomens like constipation, tumours, and others

#10 Postmenopausal hormonal replacement

#11 Jobs that require extended periods of time, such as factory workers, teachers, hair stylists, nurses, and others.


Symptoms of Varicose Veins

How will you know if you have varicose veins? Most people who are having this condition experience pain, cramping and aching in the legs. Other common signs of varicose veins are restlessness, tiredness, tingling, throbbing, heaviness, and burning sensation in the legs. Some medical experts advised us to elevate the legs or wear a support hose to relieve the pain from the veins.

Women can also experience having a dark purple and bulging varicose veins during pregnancy or menstrual cycle. Other symptoms experienced when having varicose veins are the following:

- A burning and swelling feeling in the lower legs

- Worsened pain after standing and sitting for a prolonged time

- Skin discoloration around the area of varicose veins

- Itching around the varicose veins



When Should You Call a Doctor for Varicose Veins?

There are instances when varicose veins get worse and may lead to other health issues. You may need to consult a doctor if you notice discoloration, inflammation, or ulcerations of the skin. The swelling of the calf and legs are also conditions that you must be aware of. They can be warning signs of deeper veins damage or a serious blood clotting.


How to Prevent Varicose Veins When You Need to Stand All Day?

There are various ways on how you can prevent or manage varicose veins conditions, especially if you’re working on your feet all day. It is crucial that you move your legs while working to allow good blood circulation. You can take a little walk, move around the workplace, or do some easy stretches. Choose to use the building's stairs instead of the elevators when going to other departments in the company. Alternate between sitting and standing. Remember that small changes in your work lifestyle can make a significant impact on your health.

Another effective way to avoid varicose veins is to regularly exercise. Exercise can help strengthen the heart and promote better blood circulation.

Wearing compression socks can also help in preventing varicose veins. These types of socks aid in improving blood flow while gently squeezing the legs to let the blood move upwards.

Anti-fatigue mats, according to ergonomic experts, can also help in preventing the risks of having varicose veins. They are designed to offer relief to strains that workers are often experiencing. These anti-fatigue mats can reduce the impact of standing for a long period.


Final Thoughts

Injuries and issues caused by prolonged standing can lead to a lower productivity level and an increased rate of absenteeism. One of the health conditions that every worker must be aware of is having varicose veins. Varicose veins from standing can cause discomfort and pain, which can lead workers to not perform well in their jobs. We must recognize the risks, causes, and effects of varicose veins to our health so we can make the proper preventive measures. There are ways on how to prevent and manage varicose veins; all we need is to know them and always aim for better health.