What Experts Advise About An Ideal Workstation

Workstations should be ideal for every employee. This is because this is where they will spend most of their working hours each day. Thus, every workstation is part of the professional success and personal development of a working individual.

Various factors should be considered when aiming to create an ideal workstation. Not only should it be equipped with high-end equipment, but elements such as privacy, ergonomics, and comfort must also be present. They are significant contributors to the accomplishment of a healthy workplace environment.

A healthy working environment is deemed to be ideal when it promotes a positive and stress-free working atmosphere. It should be a part where employers and employees are acquiring happiness, motivation, and energy to acquire efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

As we all know, promoting a healthy work environment is beneficial to the company since it can help in generating more sales and success for the business. Also, it aids in improving the levels of productivity and reducing absenteeism, expenses, and turnovers.


What is an ideal workstation?

An ideal workstation should be set up correctly to promote comfort, convenience, efficiency, and productivity. It has massive effects on employee’s job satisfaction, motivation, and morale.

The following factors must be present in an ideal workstation: 

#1 Ergonomics. Ergonomics play a vital role in creating an ideal workstation for workers. The desk should be comfortable and does not lead to back and neck pain. Using ergonomic chairs will be a great tip. Also, since sitting is now termed as the ‘new smoking,’ which can lead to different health issues, using standing desks is now highly recommended.

If you already have a desk and are not planning to replace it, you can just add and use a desk converter. Part as well of an ergonomic workstation are some accessories that you will use in typing, for instance. Using an ergonomic mouse and keyboard trays can help alleviate the risks of getting carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries. Performing some physical changes to your desk layout or work cubicle can effectively impact work productivity and efficiency. Other advisable tips to acquire an ergonomically-created workstation are using height-adjustable desks and anti-fatigue mats.

In a video published by the Wall Street Journal, it was explained how to set up a desk properly. On the other hand, LifeHacker suggests tips on how to ergonomically optimize a workspace.

#2 Ease of Access. An ideal workstation should also consider to have easy access to the right equipment and even to other people in the team. There should be a convenient way to see and talk with the personnel when you need to ask a question or show your proposal. Of course, it not ideal when you still need to walk far across the office when you need to get some tools, equipment, or accessories such as paper clips, pens, sticky notes, and others.

The set up of a workstation should not be a distraction to achieve seamless communication and efficient performance in the workplace. When it comes to working remotely, workers can also have the advantage of optimizing the design and convenience of the physical workstation. Although there are collaboration tools such as Slack, Skype, and video conferencing app available today, it is still important for them to be aware of how to properly set up their desks and the whole work station.

#3 Privacy. Privacy is another factor that should also be considered when setting up the workstation. Although your workstation can also be a good way to collaborate with your co-workers and colleagues in the office, this should also promote privacy. There are times when you need to have an ‘alone time’ to think creatively and generate new ideas. If you work in a cubicle, you can post a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, so people will know that you need to focus on your tasks. When you’re working in a home office, make sure that your workstation is free from distractions. These include noise from the neighbourhood, children playing around, and other factors that can hamper a good working experience. You can customize the home office to make sure that it will be more convenient to work on critical projects and essential deadlines.

#4 Lighting. Proper lighting is also an essential factor in creating an ideal workstation. Some workers prefer not to have a window behind the computer since this can affect the light that will enter the room. Make sure to have adequate illumination, depending on the type of work that needs to be accomplished. Also, avoid colourful lighting when not necessary because this can cause distractions, too. There should be no light that may reflect on the computer screen because it can cause sight problems and other health issues.

#5 Posture. A worker should also promote and apply proper posture. Improper posture can lead to health problems and discomfort at work. Every working individual should be relaxed and move comfortably in the workplace. This is closely related to what kind of chair and desk you are using. A too low or too high desk can significantly affect your work performance and also your health. When it comes to computer ergonomics, the monitor must be at a height wherein your neck muscles and your head will not be stressed. Your arms and wrists should also be at the right angle and position to work comfortably.

#6 Breaks. This is not really related to the physical appearance of your workstation. However, the top members of the organization should implement rules such as allowing their employees to take breaks. This can be an excellent opportunity for employees to walk or make some movements, thus preventing the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.


Workplace Trends: Now Becoming More Innovative

In 2017, Mark Hall, a contributor at Forbes.com, published an article about what the ideal workplace of the future looks like. In his article, he discussed that some of the common trends in the workplace would be noticeable such as flexibility, tools, technology, and culture. He then concluded that:

         “...creating an attractive and sustainable workplace that looks more like the future than the past is one of the most meaningful things that organizations can do to secure the best workers of the millennial generation.

The trends he discussed are now obviously taking place, making the workplace more innovative than ever. 

On the other hand, Mayo Clinic, the leading source of medical-related tips and information, published an article with a comprehensive guide about office ergonomics.

Planning and creating an ideal workstation should be a part of every company’s goals. There can be some possible tweaks you need to do to your current workplace or perform some personalized improvements to the work environment. An ideal workstation will not only provide comfort to the workers but will also generate massive benefits for the whole company. It’s all worth the effort because success in the future will be ensured.