Office Decluttering: Tips and Tricks to Stay Organized

Many believe that a cluttered working environment limits the ability of a person to perform better. Clutter in the office is something that we should eliminate for us to function better at work and become more productive in life. 

People working on a messy desk often get less work done because they become overwhelmed with too many tasks and disorders. Pushing yourself to work in a messy environment will only make things worse because you are just creating a sense of disorder and chaos around you.


Decluttering Tips to Achieve A Productive Environment


Here are a few tips on what we should do to have a clutter-free working space.

#1 Make Time to Declutter

Make a decluttering schedule. Just like any other routine, you must have a list of what is required to be removed from your table from time to time. 

Allow yourself to have a list of all the things that should be discarded or thrown away after a certain period of time. This will help you to have a more organized work station.

#2 Keep a Specific Location for Each Item

When working in a cluttered area, people start to feel overwhelmed. You must check the so-called clutter and rearrange items. 

It is a rule in the decluttering process to assign a specific location for each item. Labelling is one way that you can identify which items are essential and which ones are the least important. 

Such processes will help you find everything faster, and everything will look and feel neater. One common problem that workers often encounter is that their time is wasted looking for misplaced items.

As a quick reference, you can refer to the list below:

Important Items #1

These are the items that you are using daily. They should be on top of your desk. This will ensure efficient use of time and effort once you need them. You must carefully choose the things that are visible on your table — an example of these could be pens, papers, or a laptop.

Important Items #2 

These are frequently used items that must be within your reach but not actually on top of your desk. These are commonly used, however, not on a daily basis. Some of the examples for these are stapler, scissors, and paper clips.

Important Item #3

These are the items you occasionally use. These items are usually used with your most important items. Examples of these things are computer cords and some other stuff that you don't usually use but are necessary.

Important Item #4 

These are the items you rarely use, usually those that you put in your closet. These may include but are not limited to duplicate copies of books, excess office supplies, or accessories from your gadgets that you need to save and keep.

Important Item #5 

These are the items that you don't use but still keep because of their value. Preferentially, these items should be gifted or placed in a safe container. 

#3 Designate Particular Spaces for Particular Things

Once you have all the items arranged, it is important to keep them in the right place. Many of us are always in a hurry after we fix things. After we segregate the essential things, we need to ensure that we provide a place where we can easily get them when we need them.

We want everything to be fixed, that is why we need to get things done and placed in the right spot after setting all the items. We have to bear in mind that the purpose of labelling all our things is for us to put everything back in their proper place every time we finish using them.  

#4 Put Your Plan Into Action

Now that you have organized and put everything in the right place, you need to make sure that you stick with it. You need to have a better understanding of how you will be able to keep up and get rid of any clutter in your workspace

By merely planning how you can declutter will help sustain a clutter-free desk. Writing it down will help you prepare what you need to do in case there's a need to purge a specific file. 

#5 Sort Things Digitally

Adding sticky notes as a reminder is a good habit on how to be a productive worker. However, if other tasks are piling up, it is no longer necessary as it will make your desk and workspace a conducive place for working. By using simple software or an application, you will be reminded of the things that you need to remember via a laptop or your desktop.

#6 Invest In Good Furniture

Having a piece of good furniture such as a sit-stand-desk will allow you to be more productive at work due to its health benefits. Since a sit-stand-desk’s goal is to stand while working, it can help keep an active mind. This will allow you to think fast, thus making you finish your work on time.


Benefits of Having a Clutter-Free Workspace

Working on a clutter-free desk has a lot of advantages. It allows you to work freely, which makes you more productive. 

Clearing your desk every night before you leave will make you thankful in the morning.

Becoming More Productive

A clutter-free desk lets you determine which to-dos are essential for you to complete. It will not distract you from anything; you are free to choose which files are necessary to work on. This habit will more likely make you more productive.

Fewer Distractions

Removing the clutter such as sticky notes from your board, business cards, and uncompleted project folder can contribute to a distracted, unfocused mind. 

However, a clear desk will help you concentrate on the things you need to accomplish and boost your motivation. 

Leaving a Good Impression

A clean desk can make a good impression amongst your co-workers. It will allow you to look efficient, accomplished, thorough, and organized. It also indicates that you have a clear and focused mind.


A clean and organized office can go a long way to help us become more productive. When your office items are scattered and unorganized, you may feel unproductive and unmotivated. 

If you give these tips a try, surely in time, you will see results; you will feel and become more productive and motivated. 

What’s more, you will become a great example for your colleagues and your boss will surely notice your energy and professional accountability.