Benefits of Positivity and Ways to Increase Your Productivity

One of the qualities every employer should promote at work is positivity.  A positive environment can help employees have a positive mindset and become more productive.

Maintaining a positive attitude is highly recommended in the workplace because it can bring a lot of benefits not only in job performance but also in overall well-being. 

Known Benefits of Positivity 

Although stress and negativities can be unavoidable in the workplace, it is still crucial for companies to strive for positivity. It will not only help them to achieve better work results but also help them become healthier.

Below are some suggestions on how positivity can affect the quality of your life at work and in everyday living.

 #1 A positive attitude is beneficial for the health

A positive attitude, combined with a dose of motivation at work, will reflect your work performance. Remember, our attitude plays a significant part in determining our personal and professional success. 

Having a positive attitude will help you cope better in stressful situations. Also, if you display the right attitude, it will be easier to communicate and get along with others.

A positive attitude contributes to having a suitable physical and emotional health. Medical experts have stated that stress in the workplace can deteriorate your health, especially when you experience it daily. 

While cutting off stress completely may seem like an impossible task, there are things that you can do to minimize the impact it has on your professional and personal life.

That is why you should learn how to face each day positively, as daily stress can affect your immune system. Find things that will help you boost motivation in the working environment and eventually contribute to the company’s success.

Experts have revealed that a healthy workplace makes for a comfortable environment and positive-minded individuals. Positive thoughts can create real value in your life and help you enhance your emotional intelligence skills.

While having a positive attitude is essential, we cannot ignore the fact that sometimes there are employees who suppress positive attitudes at work. According to a recent study by researchers from Rice University, Purdue University, and the University of Toronto, this behaviour drains employees' energy. 

The best thing that you can do is to acknowledge how you feel and not suppress your emotions. We all experience ups and downs from time to time and it’s absolutely normal. Forcing yourself to feel a certain way will prove to be detrimental to your mental health.

Journalists, doctors, and law enforcement officers, for example, are obliged to retain a neutral demeanour to perform their duties. 

Studies have shown that people who work in customer service and were asked to suppress their positive emotions were more likely to experience higher stress in the workplace. Learning to recognize and manage your emotions accordingly will enable you to feel more positive and will make you more stress-resistant. 

Emotional intelligence is underrated. However, it is a tool that you will greatly benefit from if you take action to understand yourself and your feelings better through self-awareness. 

 #2 Positive-thinkers age gracefully

'Positive ageing' is used to describe the action of maintaining a positive attitude by feeling good about yourself and keeping healthy. Having a positive attitude will also lessen your stress levels, and when these are reduced, you are preventing the effects of ageing. 

#3 Increased motivation

Motivation is a proven tool to bring out a person’s talent, so having positive motivation is the best psychological approach. The person must always be motivated frequently, whether through rewards or a pat on the back, as this will boost their self-esteem and do better.

#4 Improved interpersonal relationship

Having a positive attitude should not be limited in the workplace but also in our personal lives. In the workplace, by merely having a positive attitude it could enable employees and customers to build a better relationship.

#5 Leads to more success at work

We are in charge of our happiness. If you feel like you are stale, try to think of what makes you happy about your job. Remember the things that bring you the most joy and make a conscious effort to feel that way again. 

It is essential to appreciate what you have, think about positive things in your day, either small rewards or surprises. Focus on things that evoke positivity rather than the negatives that make you unhappy.

Ways to Increase Positivity to Improve Productivity

To promote positivity in the workplace, remember the following: Start Your Morning Right

There’s a saying that if a person is moody and does not feel right in the morning, they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Having this kind of mood affects both your productivity and how you perceive work for the entire day. That's why it's crucial to start your day right. 

Strive to have a good morning. There are proven ways to prevent, meditate, get outside of the house, do a quick exercise (to energize yourself), and think of the things that make you happy. We know that it's easier said and done, but we must find ways on how to make this a habit.


Without a doubt, happiness increases positivity. There's no better way to enter a new day than to smile. Laughter is the best medicine, so if we find ourselves waking up in a bad mood, let's try to induce positivity as this will have an impact on our daily activities, most notably at work. Plus, it immediately reset your mood into a more positive one. 

Be Optimistic 

To be successful and productive, we must find ways to force ourselves to look on the bright side. If we stay focused on the bright side, we can find solutions to our problems and challenges. 

Trying to focus on the things that we are doing well is like rewarding ourselves. Optimism could be a choice; you need to find a balance to feel happy.

As the famous Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't… you're right." 

Your attitude determines your confidence and success. A positive attitude can lift you even in hard times. Boost your energy level by looking on the bright side of any situation. 

Take Time to Listen

To be productive, we must learn how to be open-minded. If we try to listen, we open our ability to welcome knowledge within ourselves. Listening also increases our sense of well-being as it emits a feeling that our presence can serve as a definite purpose.

Surround Yourself With Positive People 

Staying positive is difficult, especially if you are dealing with people who don't always see the bright side of things every day. One proven study found that listening to negative words activates the insula, an area of the brain associated with emotional experiences, including pain and danger. 

That is why it is essential to stay positive because positivity is also contagious, and that can benefit the people that surround you.  It builds Teamwork

Nothing brings a team together and develops relationships like positive energy. It also makes others want to help you. Everyone wants to come to the aid of the person who is smiling and keeping their head high despite the challenges that they are presented with while working. 


Regular exercise has been proven to provide more benefits aside from keeping you fit. Exercise can improve all aspects of your life, including productivity. Being productive can help you become more alert and get your job done faster. Other ways to improve productivity is by standing alone; for example, sit to stand desks are now available in the market, and widely used by many because of its health benefits.


A job can be sometimes overwhelming due to pressures on deadlines and workloads. However, it can be fun and an excellent opportunity to learn and enhance your career. It's imperative to be positive-minded and focus on things that can motivate yourself to succeed in work and life.