Debunking Common Health Myths About Our Posture

What makes a good posture a fantastic factor in someone’s personality? It can make a person look more credible, confident, and authoritative. However, as we aim to improve our posture in our daily living, there are still some health myths that can be detrimental to the goal of achieving better health. These myths should be debunked, so our efforts to achieve a good posture will not be hindered. This article will help you understand several health myths about posture. It will also shed light on how we can be healthy and productive at work with the right tools to promote a good posture.


6 Health Myths About Posture (and the truth behind them)

Stated below are the most common myths about posture. Find out the truth behind them so you can enhance your posture in the best way possible.


Myth #1: You should sit up straight.

We are always commanded to sit correctly. We used to understand this to sit up straight, not knowing that we may be putting our spines at risk. Sitting up straight is actually not a bad idea, but there should be a limitation. Everyone’s body is different, but all are engineered to move and be active. One crucial thing to consider when sitting is to feel comfortable. You should not feel that you are in a rigid position. Do not let yourself slouch or hunch your shoulders. The myth, “you should stand straight,” does not always mean “proper alignment” by having yourself in a single, fixed position. The truth is that an optimal posture is dynamic; it should provide us with the ability to do movements and still feel comfortable.


Myth #2: Poor posture only makes you look bad, but does not affect your health adversely

Another common myth about posture is that it only makes you look bad without affecting the body’s health. Of course, that is a big fad. A bad posture can lead to various health issues. When not given proper attention, these health issues can worsen and put your body in total risk. You can experience pain in some parts of your body- neck, back, muscles, and head. This can also lead to indigestion and other digestive concerns. What’s alarming is that these effects due to poor posture can be unseen during your active years but will start to experience during the middle ages. That’s why it is a must to improve your posture now to get rid of any possible

up, and as a young adult, it won’t show its exact effects until you are in your middle ages. This is why it is critical to start working on your posture now to prevent future problems.


Myth #3 Poor posture is hereditary a can’t be fixed

Here’s another myth about posture. Yes, there are hereditary posture problems, but it’s not true that they can’t be corrected. It is vital to commence training kids at a young age. The older they get, the more difficult it is for them to fix their posture. Start and do something to promote a better posture before it’s too late. Check some exercises and stretch you. You can start with and then be consistent in practicing them.


Myth #4 Good posture is difficult to achieve or maintain

Like anything else that we want to achieve, a good posture is also possible if you work hard for it. We move, fidget, and wiggle- all these are necessary to maintain a good posture. Especially if you’re a working individual, it is essential to ensure that we take breaks and stay active. Forget the myth that good posture is hard to achieve. The proper posture requires less effort, and working to achieve a good posture can be through a daily routine.


Myth #5 Sitting at your desk all day causes posture problems

A lot of people are acquiring bad posture since they choose to engage in a sedentary lifestyle. Yes, sitting all day can be dangerous. It puts pressure on the back and may lead to feeling fatigue in other parts of the body. However, sitting alone is not the only culprit behind this. Different daily activities can cause health problems. Some other activities can result in poor posture when not done correctly.

Working in front of your computer can lead to posture problems. But, that can be solved by applying proper ergonomics. You can use a standing desk or a desk converter to make sure you can easily adjust your desk height. Make sure to take breaks while working. Stand, walk around or do some desk exercises.


Myth #6 Poor posture causes pains

Most people blame poor posture for being the sole cause of pain. This can be true at some points, but this can be viewed the other way. Bad posture can also be a result of the pain already present in the body. For instance, a certain kind of a pain in your feet can affect the way you walk and stand. Damage in your hips and spinal cord can be the leading cause of your hunching and slouching. To solve this, make sure to find first the source of pain and find treatment for it.


How to Promote Good Posture at Work

Yes, we all want to be productive and comfortable at home and work. There can also be some instances that we forget to apply the proper posture while working. This is where applying proper ergonomics enters. This will ensure that you’ll have better work experience. There are various ergonomic office equipment and tools that we can use to promote proper posture.

AnthroDesk offers a wide array of ergonomic products to aid in acquiring good posture. These products include standing desks, ergonomic chairs, desk converters, monitor mounts, ergonomic mouse, treadmill walker, and anti-fatigue mats.

There are various myths that you can still hear about good posture. No matter how busy you may be, it is still crucial to consider some time on finding ways to improve a poor posture. It may be not easy at first, but it is possible.