Top 8 Productivity Tips in the New Normal


It’s been months, and we’re still battling with an unseen foe. This COVID-19 has made us realize that everything can be changed in a short time. During this pandemic, the struggle is real. What we need to accept now is that we should face where we are now and how we can cope in the new normal. There can be many adjustments and various sacrifices to be made, but what matters is that we all stand up and believe that we all can go through this. Despite the many hassles and difficulties this new normal can bring, we can still be productive and successful in personal or professional careers.


Stay Productive in the New Normal: Here's How


All of us are stricken by sadness and worries when this pandemic got started. It seems like a massive nightmare engulfed the whole world. No matter how we would want to wake up and get back to reality, we are still enclosed in the reality that we are all in this fiasco- and we all have to face it. The economy was crippled as several thousands of businesses shut down. The results are people losing their jobs, and of course, their source of income. Since physical distancing and mass gatherings are strictly prohibited, the people’s opportunity to learn and earn their living has become limited.


Nowadays, as the government and other authorities are still making efforts to ‘flatten the curve’ of the effects of this coronavirus, there are industries that are starting to operate again. For instance, e-commerce and business processing outsourcing continue to give people opportunities to earn and survive.

We may be normal at this point, but we can still be productive and successful with the things we are working on. We’ve compiled some productivity tips that we can consider applying in daily tasks:


#1 Use time wisely

This may already be a piece of worn-out advice. However, the question is: are you really taking it seriously? Are all the minutes of each day appropriately spent and allocated correctly? The best way to make this tip work is to know the value of time first. When you know how valuable each hour is, you will make sure not to waste it on things that will not be beneficial. This pandemic should be an eye-opener for us. The sudden change in our lifestyle should teach us how to give value to what we have in the present. We should understand that not everything is constant and that everything can be taken away in a blink of an eye. As one of the most important resources in the world, time should be utilized wisely. If you think a to-do list is working for you, create a comprehensive one, and make sure to follow it.


#2 Follow the new rules and guidelines in the new normal

Authorities in each country are doing their best to help people get through with this fiasco. Indeed, they need cooperation from each of us to make things easier for them in implementing the rules and guidelines. The key to combating problems during these times is to help each other and become more disciplined. Make sure to know the current guidelines in your area when it comes to work and lifestyle. Some businesses may need to pause operations and other new norms to follow. There are guidelines when it comes to social distancing and health protocols. Great understanding of these rules and guidelines will help you focus on what should be worked on and find better solutions for some challenging matters. This way, you can give your energy to the right activities and become productive each day.


#3 We should be more creative.

 If you aspire to achieve something, there should be no excuse to do it. Yes, we are now in this pandemic, but that doesn’t mean that we should stop making great things. There may be a lot of changes, adjustments, and omissions on the things we used to live with. But we’re just in the middle of our journey, and giving up at this point should not be your last resort. Instead, be more creative. Find other ways to earn, learn, and live. You’ll be thankful and amazed by yourself when you discover that there are a multitude of things that are yet to be discovered. Each day, as you learn something, you will become more passionate about working towards your dreams. This is because you’ll notice how productive you can become despite these difficult  


#4 Add more hard work and discipline.

 If you aspire to be productive, you should work hard and give extra effort to produce more quality results. Instill discipline on how you plan and do things. We are in the new normal at this point, but we can still be more productive while doing the things we love. This is when we choose to work on more significant tasks, instead of delving on matters that will only worsen the current situation we have.


#5 Turn down vices and focus on your job.

 This tip is connected to being disciplined. One of the reasons people still fail to become productive is that they choose to focus on the wrong things. This new normal should teach us what should be prioritized and should be turned down. Avoid vices, and instead, focus on your job. Keep your focus on what helps you rather than those that waste your time.


#6 Use productivity techniques, apps, and programs

There are productivity apps and programs that can help you increase your productivity level. Techniques like Pomodoro are proven to be effective in helping people to do more tasks efficiently. Install Momentum add-on to your Chrome browser, so you’ll be reminded daily what should be completed. There are also project management platforms that can be used to delegate, assign, and monitor tasks progress. Learn their features and how to handle them wisely.


#7 Get updates and be informed always

This new normal, no one should be left behind when it comes to getting the right information. It is also every individual’s responsibility to ask questions and find the right channels to get informed. Use your phone and other gadgets wisely. They should be utilized as tools for communication and acquiring the best information. Make sure to get updates from reliable sources. Getting the information from reliable sources will help you save time, thus, allowing you to be more productive with other essential things.


#8 Prioritize your health

What’s happening nowadays is telling us that our health is still one of our best investments in life. Make sure to take proper care of our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Whether you’re working in a company office or at home, you should consider your health a top priority. Eat properly, and keep yourself hydrated. Keep an active and healthy lifestyle. Use ergonomic products at work, such as standing desks and ergonomic chairs. They will help you prevent the possible effects of a sedentary lifestyle.


Final Thoughts

We are now in the new normal where we should be more cautious and well-informed. The time we have should be considered as one of the most valuable things we have. Thus, this should be used wisely. Despite this challenging situation that we are in today, we can still be productive by following the tips mentioned above.