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There have been few debates that say that standing is far better than sitting. Even science has claimed that standing has a wide range of benefits; for instance, standing accounts for more calories burned than sitting. There is an affirmation that standing for long periods of time may seem unmanageable for many adults, especially for those who have desk jobs, but with the introduction of standing desks, standing and sitting at work could be possible.
Standing is now becoming one of the most natural hobbies and forms of exercise. This is because of the rise of the sit-stand desk in the industry. It sounded like the desk of the future at first because of the hype it made in the market. Everyone looked forward at the arrival of the sit-stand desk as it provides a lot of health benefits and increases productivity at work.
If there's one thing that comes to our mind to work correctly is to have a clutter free office. After we are able to declutter our office space, the next thing that we need to do is ensure that we minimize the material and equipment that we have in our office. It is essential that we consider which equipment or tools are necessary to be kept in the office to be able to get the work done. This is where we need to determine which items we should focus on minimizing.
Sitting for an extended period is one of the most detrimental habits of our modern western culture. Standing during meetings is one of the ways on how to fight the sedentary lifestyle. The meeting practice is currently known to be effective in discussing individual task for the day and how the daily task contributes to the efficiency of the productivity of the company. In any part of the world, a stand-up meeting is an excellent way to start your day, and it has several benefits.
To achieve good health, we need to be active, and this means we need to exercise to be able to burn the excess calories and unnecessary fats that we have gained in the entire day or week. But with the busy lifestyle and fast pace environment nowadays, we can no longer do actively the things that we need to help our body and mind. Here are some of the ideas on how we can be more active at work.
More companies are now moving to the 10 hours workday as opposed to the traditional five days working week. It has become a trend, and some of the employees are enjoying the benefits because of flexibility that it can do both for the company and employees. A four-day work is quite annoying for some, in fact, there are recent studies that say longer work result in depression and employees are more prone to burn out. But with proper planning, time management and fair expectation this can be prevented and achievable in every organization. Consider these tips, and you won't get burn out whenever you are at work.